
Zyan as Scented by Hiero's Nose

The Sunken Circle, The Temple of The Archons Steps lead down from each of the five shrines into the sunken area at the center of the Temple of Archons. Along the wall of the depression at shoulder height, an inscription is carved, “It Belongs Not to the Pawn to Question the Intention of the Hand That Moves It”. The bulk of the sunken area is taken up by a single immense block of red stone that has been carved into a wondrous model of a city. When one descends the stairs, the model lights up, illuminated by the same light that currently falls on Zyan above. When you first viewed the model, the streets are lit by the mottled light of sun through dappled clouds. But later, when you poke your heads in to the temple, the model is lit by silver light of the moon and phantasmagorical pools that accumulate below the city's dangling colored lanterns. The model rises to shoulder height at its highest, and waist height at its lowest. It is stylized, with some buildings and locations of ou

Catacombs of the North Wind: What you Know

What the party knows about the backstory of the Catacombs of the North Wind. Source of Info 1: From The History of Zyan , by the Utmost Chronicler Medes, which is written in the mode of narrating events about which the chronicler could not have had firsthand knowledge, but this is interspersed with (somewhat) more responsible evidentiary sections that give some indication of what is known and what is speculation. "The negotiations were predated by a period known as the Marine Wars, a series of sabotage and skirmishes flaring occasionally into catastrophic violence between the Sky Singers (as the ancient Zyanese were known) and the spirits of the air. Although his augurs counseled against it, reading mixed and ominous portents in the heavens above and below, Hegalion the Captain, leader of the Sky Singers saw no other way forward than to parlay and negotiate a lasting peace. [ 1:52 PM ] The treaty is named for the site of the conclave, the most remote o

Campaign News for 5/9/2019

Two weeks pass since you returned from Bazekop's tower with your epic haul. It takes a long time for the items you brought through to be identified, appraised, and for the payouts to the party. In the meantime, the party has been scouting real estate locations, doing research, and pursuing other long term downtime goals. During this time, the party learns of several rumors and events: Since the party's trips to the dreamlands are a state secret, none know the true source of the Chatelaine's newfound wealth and splendor. Wild rumors circulate about the Storm-Riders having won a legendary haul for her. Some say they hunted and slew an ancient dragon that roosted about the shattered isles. Others say that the Storm-Riders ventured in secret through the door in the locked down section of Carver's Quarter around Ultan's Old Print Shop and bring back the riches of the dreamlands. Meanwhile, everyone at the Temple of Ulim is speaking about the party in the Lavender R

The Riches of Bazekop

Over the last five sessions, our party of daring dreamers plummeted in the aerie depths of the lowest level of the White Jungle on the back of a fleet of giant war crows, violent and wild, with a phalanx of storm rider paladins. Their mission was to loot the invisible tower of Bazekop, Prince of the South Wind. In all honesty, my imagination had begun to wear a bit thin and algorithms repeated themselves, over the course of these sessions. So, I’d prefer to be forward looking here. This post is dedicated solely to THE TAKE, the greatest take the party has pulled in our three years of adventuring. (I still hold that had Clovis been present, the party might have perished. The party has a long history of accidental but timely player absences. You wouldn’t have the Petal Blade had Sir Tresken been present for the session in the Cenotaph of Lady Shirishanu where you faced Shirishanu’s handmaiden. But I digress…) Unasi removes his chainmail armor, and sets aside his ho