
Showing posts from December, 2015

The current map of the Catacombs of the Fleisch Guild

The current map of the Catacombs of the Fleisch Guild

Session 5

Session 5 Dozar priest of the Slumbering God Failure the Halfling and his dog Pig-fucker Gil master of the floating disk A mysterious cleric (played by Chris P.) Selwin, simpering link-boy plus (hireling) Zadesar, heavily browed shipwright (hireling) [Slain] Ultan hinted that he had alarming news for the group. After extracting monies in his usual fashion, Ultan happily informed them that the rival adventuring party, formerly led by Agamar, had shown up again after the long hiatus following their disastrous second attempt. However, in the place of Agamar, the group was led by a Storm Rider, and there were one or two new faces. The Storm Rider was quite open-handed, and very curious about the group, inquiring about their methods and successes, and composition. With some tips purchased from Ultan, the rival group apparently returned from a trip through the door without fatalities or marked injuries. When questioned about the identifying marks of this Storm Rider, Ultan informed the group