
Showing posts from July, 2017

A Primer on the Abyssal Dungeon

A Primer on the Abyssal Dungeon The Short Version : This huge dungeon was designed as a prison, with seven locks of increasing difficulty reach its central prison chamber. The party believes that the real king of Zyan is imprisoned there, with a powerful imposter ruling in his place. The party has opened 3 of those locks, and is currently in the area beyond the Hydraulic Portal (the third lock). Each "level" of the dungeon in some way echoes some aspect of Zyan, the flying city of the dreamlands that sits above it. The area the party is in seems to be a set of tunnels for workers with pipes and clockwork puzzle elements.    The Much Longer Version : To really understand the current dungeon you need to a bit of campaign background. It’s a major location in the setting. Here’s everything you need to know—at least given the current state of the party’s knowledge. If you read this, you should be up to speed. Zyan above, the flying city that rests on the rock from the bottom of w

Apologies if this is a repost for ya. Running a playtest tomorrow eve and trying for quorum.

Apologies if this is a repost for ya. Running a playtest tomorrow eve and trying for quorum.

Session 42 Recap and the Take

Session 42 Recap and the Take After a successful manhunt and brief sojourn in the waking world (just long enough to receive the latest extortion from their blackmailer), the party returned to Zyan. Hector, immortal hound of King Lathanon, agreed to lead them through the Brambles to the Abyssal Dungeon, where his master took him once a century ago. Descending past the pagodas of the hanging merchants, the party could see the damage wrought by Bazekop’s hurricane of wrath. Not wanting to alert the demon’s human servitors, the party went rapidly down into the stifling darkness and cutting thorns below. Communicating with Hector in the language of hounds, Dozar learned that the quickest way to the Abyssal Dungeon involved crossing an old bridge over a great chasm “in which fly dark things”. Not interested in a lengthy detour, the party proceeded with some misgivings. The bridge was a grand affair, anchored to two massive boles, its massive posts capped with the copper heads of great screa