
Showing posts from September, 2017

Session 50 Recap and the Take

Session 50 Recap and the Take The party emerged from the Abyssal Dungeon into the dank air of the brambles. Laden heavily with loot, inured and drained of magic, they thought perhaps to camp for the night. They returned to their campsite, a secure hollow not too far from the Sordid Latch. But the hound Hector immediately picked up a scent, and when the party inspected the hollow they could see white circular marks spread on the boughs and thick brambles. Upon seeing the marks, alarm surged from the Petal Blade into Dozar. Drawing on the power of MANA-YOOD SUSHAI (MAY HIS BLESSED SLUMBER THAT SUSTAINS THE WORLD NEVER BE DISTURBED!) he questioned the noble beast in its own tongue. Hector said that something big, with many legs and a strange smell, was moving through the brambles, likely hunting them. He told Dozar that the strange tracks were very fresh. So the party struck out immediately into the brambles, hoping to make the pagodas of the hanging merchants in one long trek. The march

Here is the current point crawl map of Zyan Between, insofar as the party knows about it.

Here is the current point crawl map of Zyan Between, insofar as the party knows about it. This map reveals a couople connections from dungeons you've been in to points in Zyan Above. You learned this information from your many conversations with Ulantanu.


TODAY IS THE TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THIS CAMPAIGN! I couldn't be more grateful for the fantastic group of players who have been patient enough to suffer my baroque fever dreams, in some cases literally for years. You have changed Zyan, and are changing it still. It will never be the same. Thank you so much

NOTE: There will be no game this Thursday.

NOTE: There will be no game this Thursday. We resume at our usual time on 9/28. When we ended the party was on its way back to the hanging merchants. They are being hunted by something in the darkness, possibly an agent of the hidden king. They rolled an encounter in the hex with the bridge over the chasm, and that's where we paused. Once out of the brambles, the next session will likely take place mainly at the hanging merchants and in Rastingdrung, where the party is overdue. (The waking world.) This is a fine place to discuss in town goals, possible antics, etc. Tagging regular players Evlyn M Chris P. Aleksandr Revzin Eric Boyd Anthony Huso

Session 45-49: Recap and the Take

Session 45-49: Recap and the Take In these five continuous sessions, the party explored the area beyond the Sordid Latch. During this time, they honored the wishes of a little dead girl to their detriment, releasing the bloody Children of Haldicar. They fought brutal battles with the lost, laughing murder clowns with nothing to lose. They used a squad of skeletons to clear a trapped field, and pioneered the art of wrapping skeletons in barbed wire. They met the cats of Zyan, and learned about their deadly slow war with the humans. They negotiated with their reigning dignitary, the Margrave Nip, nephew to King Catch, the rightful ruler of Zyan, agreeing to find his missing nephew Sebastian. They found an opium den, with four different flavors of lotus to smoke. They visited two undead prostitutes, Mariam and Salome; the houri Satareh brought Salome under her potent charms and promptly broke her heart, but not before she found out where to look for the the gleaming seal. The party waded