
Showing posts from June, 2020

Catacombs of the North Wind: What you Know

What the party knows about the backstory of the Catacombs of the North Wind. Source of Info 1: From The History of Zyan , by the Utmost Chronicler Medes, which is written in the mode of narrating events about which the chronicler could not have had firsthand knowledge, but this is interspersed with (somewhat) more responsible evidentiary sections that give some indication of what is known and what is speculation. "The negotiations were predated by a period known as the Marine Wars, a series of sabotage and skirmishes flaring occasionally into catastrophic violence between the Sky Singers (as the ancient Zyanese were known) and the spirits of the air. Although his augurs counseled against it, reading mixed and ominous portents in the heavens above and below, Hegalion the Captain, leader of the Sky Singers saw no other way forward than to parlay and negotiate a lasting peace. [ 1:52 PM ] The treaty is named for the site of the conclave, the most remote o