
Showing posts from November, 2015

Campaign News for 11/20

Campaign News for 11/20 The dramatic public trials of the recently exposed cell of heretics were well attended. All the accused presented monotone confessions of their grotesque crimes. On the basis of this damning evidence, the High Voluptuary sentenced the traitors to quartering. The forms of the gigantic black war crows could be seen fluttering high above the crowds, each desperately trying to escape the cords attaching them to a limb of the unfortunate convicts. They jerked around like tiny rag dolls, pulled this way and then that by the gruesome tug of war. Spectators were treated afterwards to cranberry ale. The cult leader is still nowhere to be found. Things have been quiet in Rastingdrung since, with one exception. Two days ago some boys were playing at being Storm Riders in the silver fens at the edge of Lake Wooling, when they came upon a macabre sight. One Agemar, a bald overseer at the slave markets, was floating face down among the reeds. His neck had been cut clean throu

Journey to the Catacombs of the Fleisch Guild

Originally shared by Ben L. events/c4p1980u90lbpl37amoucofugds?authkey=CMW-oomI44-cTg

Session 4 Recap

Session 4 Recap Dozar, massive priest of MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI Bryce Randall, merchant priest of Nephtlys Gil, magic-user and devotee of Ulim Xol Rashek apprentice to the illusionist Mirvolo  Sleestacarus, lizard man warrior Selwin a simpering linkboy (Hireling) Melmor opium addicted noble, fallen from grace (Hireling) Before entering Ultan’s shop, the party had a few stops to make. The picked up five wooden masks they had commissioned to match the plague doctor like masks of the Inquisitors. They had also purchased a coracle, a very small flat-bottomed boat. Ultan was surprised when they entered with a giant lizard man and a small boat in tow. The party offered to swap information: in exchange for the news that no one had been through the door since their last visit, they informed him that the room on other side of the door was trapped with bear traps and guarded by the guildless, with whom it was possible to peacefully parlay. Dozar also let drop that the guildless seem to fear mirrors. P

Campaign News for 11/6

Campaign News for 11/6  Families celebrated the customary graveside supper picnic at The Festival of Saint Balix. The catacombs were opened to the deep pocketed devout for the rare opportunity to engage in holy revelry with the temple prostitutes in the sacred tombs. The priests were pleased with the lucrative results. With the decreased demand, Vassimo Cox’s price for meats has lowered. He now offers 25gp for each new specimen presented to him, along with a price of 3gp per pound of edible meat.  The public trials have begun for the cell of heretics recently uncovered by the Scarlet Censors. The trials are being conducted in Penitent’s Court, temporarily displacing the slave market, which has moved to crowded quarters off Vex Way. The brief stay of the accused in the Silent Halls, and the ministrations of the censors, has left them bald, pale, and trembling at the light of the day. Although the trial is well attended, and confessions of the group’s treason and heresy are lengthy and l


DEATH AND DYING When your character falls to 0 HP, you must roll a saving throw vs. death. Failure indicates death. Success indicates that you are merely unconscious. You will recover in 1 turn, returning to 1 HP. When your character falls to -1 or -2 HP, you must roll a saving throw vs. death. Failure indicates death. Success indicates that you are dying, but not yet dead. If healing magic, or some other healing ability, is applied to you with 3 rounds, you will live. You are, however, injured for the remainder of the session, and will take -2 on all rolls.

Join the party as they attempt to sail the sewer "river" for the first time--or whatever the hell else they want to...

Originally shared by Ben L. Join the party as they attempt to sail the sewer "river" for the first time--or whatever the hell else they want to do events/cdii19483s1imaolv2loud4v9i4?authkey=CMWC1LDZ5b3ZYw