Campaign News for 11/6

Campaign News for 11/6 

Families celebrated the customary graveside supper picnic at The Festival of Saint Balix. The catacombs were opened to the deep pocketed devout for the rare opportunity to engage in holy revelry with the temple prostitutes in the sacred tombs. The priests were pleased with the lucrative results. With the decreased demand, Vassimo Cox’s price for meats has lowered. He now offers 25gp for each new specimen presented to him, along with a price of 3gp per pound of edible meat. 

The public trials have begun for the cell of heretics recently uncovered by the Scarlet Censors. The trials are being conducted in Penitent’s Court, temporarily displacing the slave market, which has moved to crowded quarters off Vex Way. The brief stay of the accused in the Silent Halls, and the ministrations of the censors, has left them bald, pale, and trembling at the light of the day. Although the trial is well attended, and confessions of the group’s treason and heresy are lengthy and lurid, the heretic’s leader, Telemar the cultist of Man, is nowhere to be seen. Some say that with the help of further traitors, he escaped the Silent Halls, and is currently at large. Others say a confederate slipped him poison, through which he was able to end his life quickly to the consternation of the Censors. The Censors seem tense.

One or two of you have heard another rumor that is making its way through the sordid circles in which you travel. A bald overseer at the slave market, Agemar, drunk out of his mind, made a scene last night at the Blighted Orchid. He was loudly telling tales of his brave travels through a door that led to another world, and flashing around a strange looking foreign coin as “proof” of his lucrative exploits. When doubt was expressed about the veracity of his wild stories, he got into a bloody fistfight with a pair of sell-swords. He was ejected from the Blighted Orchid, and is no longer welcome.


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