Wither in our next session players?

Wither in our next session players? I am sorry to say that our next session will have to be on 11/10, as I am, once again, jammed with work. I apologize and will try my best to get us back on track for a weekly session. In the meantime, I need to know what I should be preparing for given these irritating time cosntraints, so here are the open hooks. Let me know what looks appealing to you! (For reference, I've included you current map of level 2.) (1) The party has finally uncovered the location of the legendary Summer Palace. It is in hex 2612 of level 3 far to the east. For the information you received about the Summer Palace from the chittering masons who built it, see the comments to this thread https://plus.google.com/106146496996956180494/posts/gbzKwXXecdy (2) Your successful siege of the Lurid Toads has uncovered a large brass door leading into the wall of the previously submerged stone cavern. (3) A plumed bird man you freed from captivity in the wicker cages told you that...