
Showing posts from October, 2016

Wither in our next session players?

Wither in our next session players? I am sorry to say that our next session will have to be on 11/10, as I am, once again, jammed with work. I apologize and will try my best to get us back on track for a weekly session. In the meantime, I need to know what I should be preparing for given these irritating time cosntraints, so here are the open hooks. Let me know what looks appealing to you! (For reference, I've included you current map of level 2.) (1) The party has finally uncovered the location of the legendary Summer Palace. It is in hex 2612 of level 3 far to the east. For the information you received about the Summer Palace from the chittering masons who built it, see the comments to this thread (2) Your successful siege of the Lurid Toads has uncovered a large brass door leading into the wall of the previously submerged stone cavern. (3) A plumed bird man you freed from captivity in the wicker cages told you that


Session 19 & 20 Recap and Take: The party departed from the village of the chittering masons, intending to lend aid to the mole rats in their struggle against the encroaching hybubs, boneless guls inhabiting adjacent warrens. The Viscount LeGrande welcomed them warmly, and called a council with Queen Bethanie to discuss a raid on the warrens of the hybubs. The council did not go well. LeGrande’s rival the Duke Malroi exploited LeGrande’s disastrous loss of his retinue to the Empty Witch to turn the queen against the raid. LeGrande was able to secure agreement to have the party shrunk by magic so they could enter the warrens, and was allowed to gather volunteers, but that was all. Luckily, the party had been joined by one Regimund Cruft. Having transported himself to Wishery from Earth in an opium daze, he found himself able to use magic. Arranging a meeting, Cruft charmed Malroi and convinced him to bring his stoutest fighters on the mission. As a result, the party set off, shrunke

How many living mole-people are left?

How many living mole-people are left? How many poisoned spears do we have now? I'm thinking best armored in front, spear wielding moles in second rank. Second-to-last rank armed with spears to wheel around and aid the back rank if we get flanked again. Pretty obvious, I know. Assets I have: One more stink rose canister. It's 20' radius so could temporarily (1-4 rounds) negate any large group of enemies. Potion of darkness; could cover retreat or be used to slow down an enemy group. If we feed it to the vole and it works that could be interesting. One more use of the cat's-eye fungus, which I could use to scout, but that could be dicey. I'm out of oil but do have 6 torches.

Re: battle armor for mole rats. Maybe the rat with the skull?

Re: battle armor for mole rats. Maybe the rat with the skull?