Sessions 51-55 A Very Brief Recap and Take Well, the campaign has moved into a much more organic mode, at least for the moment. The party is settling old scores and setting up a home base in the waking world. They have also been employing Elixirs of Penumbral Transmigration to open shimmering priaducts that allow them to zip around between the waking world and various parts of Zyan Below that they have visited previously, in order to accomplish various objectives. As a result, only two of the last five sessions have been in the usual dungeon crawl mode. And things are moving in dramatic directions, in some ways alarming, in others advantageous to the party. Here is a terse summary of what I can remember from the whirlwind of the last five sessions. If I don’t write this down, I’m totally going to forget all of this. The Waking World When Ultan got the bad news that Umpalior is reclaiming the Ruins of the Inquisitor’s Guild on the other side of his door for Zyan Above, he agreed to sell...