Sessions 51-55 A Very Brief Recap and Take

Sessions 51-55 A Very Brief Recap and Take

Well, the campaign has moved into a much more organic mode, at least for the moment. The party is settling old scores and setting up a home base in the waking world. They have also been employing Elixirs of Penumbral Transmigration to open shimmering priaducts that allow them to zip around between the waking world and various parts of Zyan Below that they have visited previously, in order to accomplish various objectives. As a result, only two of the last five sessions have been in the usual dungeon crawl mode. And things are moving in dramatic directions, in some ways alarming, in others advantageous to the party. Here is a terse summary of what I can remember from the whirlwind of the last five sessions. If I don’t write this down, I’m totally going to forget all of this.

The Waking World

When Ultan got the bad news that Umpalior is reclaiming the Ruins of the Inquisitor’s Guild on the other side of his door for Zyan Above, he agreed to sell the print shop and press to the party for a large sum. They are now in possession of a two-story townhouse that is their base of operations. This has come with a hired hand, a big man named Samir with a face like a slab of meat, who was security for Ultan. He knows about the door, and is keeping an eye on it for you. They have hired a young and unscrupulous printer away from his previous employer. Let’s call him “Jethro”. He is quietly continuing the operation of the shop, and splitting the profits with you. He’s keen on the arrangement, because it allows him to print illicit materials. He seems discrete and profit oriented. You should tell me how much you let him know about the door. Finally, the party is employing a band of street urchins to watch the storefront. You should give the band a name.

The party has finally paid off its blackmail debt to Almurek the beast master apprentice of the Chatelaine. He has intimated that if he doesn’t do well in the Contest of the Apprentices he may come asking for more. In the process of paying him off, you also stole one (a couple?) of his little monkeys, breaking the enchantment on him and freeing him. He lives in the print shop as well.

Salinger took up an invitation to a fancy private room in the “Gaming Chambers” in the first basement beneath the Temple of Ulim. While there he was ambushed by Little Mara, who almost killed him, but he bested her in the end with the help of his magic ring. Because of the incident the temple issued him a few free tickets with which he can make an appointment reserving one of the “Gaming Rooms” for a private session (or party). The opportunities for carousing here are epic.

Finally, the Festival of the Sybarites is fast approaching. It’s two weeks away from this session, let’s say. Salinger has booked a performance at the Chatelaine’s special feast, on the second day of the Festival. It is only for invited guests, held in the gardens of her palace, at the same time as the commoners attend Sprig’s Feast in the fields outside of Rastingdrung. He has been given a large budget and dancers have been rounded up for him. The clock is ticking.

Zyan Below

Meanwhile, the party has been using Elixirs of Penumbral Transmigration to return to the Hanging Palace in the White Jungle. Over several sessions, with the help of Bashan, a dreamer from Tekumel, they discovered the entry to the library. To open the way, they then explored the Queen’s Tower, finally gaining entry to her private chambers at the top with the help of the enslaved shade Elsa. They agreed to come back and free her, but what she really wanted in exchange for getting them into the Queen’s chambers was for them to bring a family heirloom to her daughter in Zyan above, a hollowed pearl that plays haunting songs and projects colored images like a magic lantern when a crank is turned. She gave them directions to find the house in Zyan Above. At the top of the tower, in the Queen’s Chambers the party slew the queen’s strange familiar, a creature of the Endless Azure Sea, who summoned a terrible boreal spirit. Before fleeing from that monstrosity, they won some treasure and the key they needed to get into the library.

Having at long, long last won entry to this legendary library, the party located the book well where the magic tomes are kept. In addition to Evocations of the Doomed City, the party found the Book of Ebon Bindings, and numerous other occult tomes. They also found a secret chamber that held, slumbering within a pure white egg, Aphrodosius, Nymph of the Seven Worlds. Dozar read the book of her heart and was found worthy, receiving supernal wisdom (and one level!). The party learned however, that books cannot be removed from library, simply returning to their place on the shelves when on leaves the level. Adrianna, the child witch and party’s longtime patron, is desperate to use Evocations of the Doomed city to win in the contest of apprentices. Every passing moment deprives her of the opportunity to further study the text.

While they were in the library, they received unwanted visitors. Another priaduct opened into the library, and the party bested a group of interlopers, taking Methrion, their leader, prisoner. They learned that these interlopers are Phantamorians, like the witch Zalvorex, who fly a vessel known as The Double through the Oneiric Seas. They are currently contemplating an attempt to board and master the vessel.

Zyan Between

However, in the meantime, there has been a most alarming development. For Samir told the party that there has been persistent knocking now at regular intervals from the other side of Ultan’s door. When the party conversed with the knockers, they said that they were eager to bring gifts and greetings from Zyan to the “blessed monarch of great Rastingdrung”. The speaker identified himself as Ambassador Cloyame of the Renowned Clan of the Persuaders. Ulantanu told the party that the title “ambassador” was an obscure, antique post, but that the position probably was held by the Clan of the Persuaders. The party bought time, telling them that “the wheels of diplomacy turn slowly”, and that they had to go speak to “their queen”. The Ambassador relented for the moment, and the party agreed to converse again through the door soon.

Creatures Slain or bested

Little Mara 250 XP
The Queen’s Familiar 300 XP
Methrion 1000 XP
Goriada 500 XP
Hexplian 500 XP
Creature from the Priaduct 300 XP

Wonders Seen

Entering the Library of the Hanging Palace 2000 XP

Treasure Won

Jet Statue of Ilmara 300 GP/XP

Two black gems that power puppet golems 200 XP

The Tessellated Amulet: This, hefty, cracked metal amulet, when touched, breaks apart into a swirling, floating armor. As Chainmail +1 no encumbrance 1000 XP

2 star knives of some shimmering alloy (as daggers +1) 500 XP

The Lavender Glaive. It has a haft of vibrant purple wood, and a blade of lavender metal, etched with geometric runes (as polearm+1) 500 XP

Goriada’s Composite Bow: +1 to hit and damage 750 XP

Glorious Splint mail, striated pattern of blue and gold, with upcurving silver epaulets (same as plate +1) 1000 XP (This will cost Dozar 5000 GP to get refitted to him)

Two shining copper bracers, with enameled images of comets streaming purple sparks against a black sky. When attacked purple sparks defelect blows (as bracers of defense +3. cannot wear with other armor) 750 XP

Amulet of the Screaming God, screaming mouth carved of some unholy green stone, like a Druillet illustration (5 charges, 6d6 lightning bolt) 500 XP

XP per Character
Unasi 1225 (6,794 to date)
Bashan 490XP
Salinger 2450
Chris 2450
Pasquale 980
Satareh 980
Regimund 490
Aisling 490
Secret Agent 490
Each character can also award themselves 30 GP

Aleksandr Revzin Eric Boyd Chris P. Shemek hiTankolel Anthony Huso Evlyn M Gus L Dave Sealy Maxime Golubchik (calling your character "SEcret Agent" for now)


  1. Ben, Aleksandr, Chris, Eric, excellent game last night, and I can honestly say that it was the most fun I've had playing D&D (i.e. as a player) in many years. I really do prefer the interaction with NPC's far more than endless combats. There is a great sense of camaraderie in the group and Bashan, as a newcomer, is trying to figure out where and how he fits in. Great fun, and I can't wait until the next game.

  2. Shemek hiTankolel I'm really glad you enjoy it, which I think is kind of remarkable. My experience is that most folks don't love getting dropped into the thick of pretty complicated faction play, and heavy setting involved material. (Maybe playing EPT prepares you for this.) Anyway, Bashan is a great addition to the group.

  3. I'm glad I was given an invitation to play, and that Bashan has managed to fit in. One of the hardest things for a new player is to get into the swing with an established group without wrecking everything. Tekumel can be played as a dungeon or hex crawl, and does well as this type game, but is best played, IMO, when factionalism, political intrigue and maneuvering are key elements of the game. My campaign has a tonne of politics, and machination is probably the group's motto these days. What's the line from the old Dune movie: "wheels within wheels. "


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