
Showing posts from April, 2018

Hey guys, I think I'll burn a gasket if I run on Thursday.

Hey guys, I think I'll burn a gasket if I run on Thursday. But I'll run next week Thursday 5/2. It'll be two sessions in a row without Dozar. That makes three so far :) Also welcoming Pete Segreti and Shemek hiTankolel back! (If they can make it.)
Are we on for this week?

Hey Ben

Hey Ben, Decided to go with a Nluss warrior, as a last kick at the Tekumel can so to speak. You said a while back that you would like to go with AD&D rules in the future. Do you want me to roll up an AD&D Fighter? Also how would you handle racial bonuses (if there are any)? Nluss are characterised by their excessive height, strength, and hardiness. There is an AD&D Tekumel conversion done by Jeff Dee(I think?), or Brett Slocum, back in the day that did a good job at using"non-human" PC's. I can send you a copy of this, although it should be readily available online. If you don't want to use this I can use the half-orc stat bonuses and penalties which I have used in the past successfully for my games. Let me know what you think.

Kheew with the broken wings

Kheew with the broken wings Fighter 2 HP: 13 AC: 5 / 4 XP: 2500 Attributes: STR: 10 INT: 10 WIS: 11 DEX: 13 (+1) CON: 13 (+1) CHA: 8 (-1) Gear: filthy & gaudily bedecked chain AC5? spear light crossbow, w/30 quarrels 6 torches, sling bag waterskin, 1 w rations 50′ rope 11 GP convert to jewelry and things it wouldn’t part with

Race: Plumed Reaver

Race: Plumed Reaver Flocks of these winged humanoids may be seen flitting from tree to tree in the Bright Groves and the Dangling Isles, the sparse and airy lowest levels of the White Jungle where they dwell. Their originally bright and colorful plumage is stained and mangy from constant exposure to the jungle's offal rains. They are counted among the many hazards of the White Jungle’s lower levels, their rotting parrot’s finery and the sound of their beating wings striking fear in the hearts of jungle denizens. For they are savage raiders without mercy, who delight in the suffering of their victims, often dropping bound victims to their death in sport. Although their tastes are crude, they enjoy bartering the goods they seize for colorful baubles and arms, and have a bird’s curiosity. Racial Min/Max: Str 9/18 Dex 6/18 Con 12/18 Int 3/18 Wis 3/17 Chr 3/16 Racial Adjustments: Con +1 Chr -2 Wis -1 Racial Abilities: +4 to save vs. disease. Starting at 2nd level, they acquire a fly mov

Check it!

Check it! Originally shared by **** Zombird our cleric reanimated in Ben L. game:

In the gardens of the hanging palace at the end of last session

In the gardens of the hanging palace at the end of last session

If I’m making a character for this, do you have any restrictions?

If I’m making a character for this, do you have any restrictions? What’s the party have in it? Any retainers or the like I could pick up? I’m thinking of making a muscle wizard...

Hey Ben

Hey Ben, I'm not able to make the next couple of games, work stuff. Back in a couple of weeks.