Race: Plumed Reaver

Race: Plumed Reaver

Flocks of these winged humanoids may be seen flitting from tree to tree in the Bright Groves and the Dangling Isles, the sparse and airy lowest levels of the White Jungle where they dwell. Their originally bright and colorful plumage is stained and mangy from constant exposure to the jungle's offal rains. They are counted among the many hazards of the White Jungle’s lower levels, their rotting parrot’s finery and the sound of their beating wings striking fear in the hearts of jungle denizens. For they are savage raiders without mercy, who delight in the suffering of their victims, often dropping bound victims to their death in sport. Although their tastes are crude, they enjoy bartering the goods they seize for colorful baubles and arms, and have a bird’s curiosity.

Racial Min/Max: Str 9/18 Dex 6/18 Con 12/18 Int 3/18 Wis 3/17 Chr 3/16
Racial Adjustments: Con +1 Chr -2 Wis -1
Racial Abilities: +4 to save vs. disease. Starting at 2nd level, they acquire a fly move of 12”. This requires space for a 6” wingspan. Must rest for a round every turn of flight.
Permitted classes: Fighter, Ranger, Druid
XP adjustment: -10%


  1. Oh I would have used your image Evlyn M it was just zombified

  2. Ben L. Do I need to know anything about equipment before I just roll on Brendan’s gear tables?

  3. I turned out good, so I think it works!


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