
Showing posts from July, 2018

Hi all, what with the 4th festivities we're hosting over here, visiting family, yadda yadda yadda, it's shaping up...

Hi all, what with the 4th festivities we're hosting over here, visiting family, yadda yadda yadda, it's shaping up to look like I can't run our game this Thursday 7/5. So our next session will be 7/12. Looking forward to it. Will be posting various things, including a map and (for Nick) Mia's character sheet. Evlyn M Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Chris P. Maxime Golubchik Nick Kuntz Pete Segreti Shemek hiTankolel

The downtime thread:

The downtime thread: Last session, after paying her paltry debt to the Guild of the Horoscops, the party was chagrined to learn that Leonasha had been claimed as a tender for the Temporal Maenads, and imprisoned in their Sanctorum. The party, determined to fulfill their promise to the shade, and scenting the possibility of opening up a rich dungeon that had sat right under their nose for pretty much the entire campaign, returned from Zyan Above on a merchant vessel. They went down the Great Sewer River in Zyan Between to the Temple of the Archons, where they opened the portal (it had been opened all along, actually) at the shrine to Thovis. This led them into the Sanctorum of the Maenads. They found themselves in a strange carved space of green rock, flowing geometrical forms, and screaming heads. They were seen by someone or something down the corridor and pursued quickly fleeing lights, but fell into a teleporter trap. Later they were beguiled by the song of one of the Maenads, Esdor

Ben L.

Ben L. Would it be possible to get a thumbnail description of of the areas of Zyan our characters would have walked through?