These charts help situate your character in the setting. You're not required to roll on them--you can choose anything you want or not think about it at all..

Where is my character from? (1d10)

1-6 Rastingdrung
7    Loktole
8    Wolsdag
9    Altanis
10  The City State of the Invincible Overlord

Rastingdrung: Your character has a black seal, and his name is on the roles of citizens. You are likely from a long line of Rastingdrungers, and have a home in the city. Unless you are a secret heretic, you are a practicing Ulimite.

Foreigners: All foreigners are designated as temporary visitor. If your character is a foreigner he has a red seal, revocable at will by the authorities, and to be renewed every six months. Your character must have an official reason for being in Rastingdrung.

Loktole: Your character comes from the sleepy Village of Loktole under the authority of the Grim Duke.Unless you have converted to the Ulimite faith, you are either a cultist of man (50%) or a devotee of the Slumbering God (50%).

Wolsdag: Your character is from the coastal city of Wolsdag, ruled by the merchant's guild. Unless you have converted to the Ulimite faith, you are either a worshipper of Manannan the ancient of the seas (50%), Nepthlys the insatiable spider god of greed (40%), or a secret member of the degenerate Mer Shunna faith (10% must be chaotic evil).

Altanis: Your character is from the distant barbarian lands. Think Conan, or perhaps the wildlings. Your skin is a funny color of your choosing. You may invent an uncaring god of slaughter to worship.

The City State of the Invincible Overlord: Your character is from the great, degenerate City State of the Invincible Overlord, half a world away. Invent a decadent cult to worship if you are religious.

Official Reason for Being in Rastingdrung? 1d10 

1. Staying with family in Rastingdrung or engaged to be married to a Rastingdrunger.
2. Working for one of Rastingdrung's business: mining, fishing, carpentry, etc.
3. Working for a foreign merchant who does regular business here, e.g. a slave-dealer or shipper
4. Employed in the preparations for the next Festival of Sybarites
5. Working for the Temple of Ulim as an exotic performer, mercenary, sage, etc.
6. Working for the Chatelaine as the same
7. Attached to an ambassador or representative from your homeland, e.g. a representative of the Merchant's guild (Wolsdag)
8. Part of the entourage of a longterm guest at the Chatelaine's court
9. Sponsored by a local colorful character, e.g. one of the Chatelaine's seven apprentices, or the beastmaster of the Aviary.
10. Indentured servant working in the Aviary, likely at the dangerous job of feeding the War Crows (10% chance of injury between sessions)

How Religious Am I? 1d10

1-2  In no way
3-5  Lip service to tradition/fear of the authorities
6-7  Mildly
8     Seriously
9     Zealot
10   Heretic


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