Session 1

Session 1

The Party:

Ilnar, Altanian thief (Chris Kutalik)
Sir Tresken, paladin for the Chatelaine (Joshua Blacketter)
Pretty Boy Groff, fighter and gang underling (Mike Wentzloff)
Failure, a hobbit with no discernable talents (Zak S.)
His dog, Pigfucker 
Dugald, the linkboy (hireling)
And later: Bryson Randall, merchant priest of Nepthlys (Mike Wentzloff)

While drinking late into the night at the Blighted Orchid, the party received a discrete tip about Ultan's door from his cousin, a one-eyed stevedore named Malthus. After gathering their equipment and one unfortunate hireling, they converged on Ultan’s printshop the next day. After some haggling, Ultan escorted the party to the door under the stairs. Set into the wall into the space under the stairs, the door was 6’ tall, gorgeously painted in cerulean hues, with goldleaf flourishes. It was barred by a hastily erected piece of timber. Removing the bar, the party opened Ultan’s door. 

They were greeted by the impossible view of a 10x10 room, with a chipped mosaic floor and stone block walls. Following the dog Pigfucker’s lead, the party went through an arch west into a grand circular room. A balustrade ran along a narrow balcony that ringed the entire large space, reachable by stairs, with three doors on the upper level. From this balustrade hung three bodies, naked except for long beaked masks. Ilnar cut down the men, and a quick inspection revealed that they had died in combat. 

Leaving the bodies behind, the party proceeded West through a couple of empty rooms, finally turning down a corridor to the south lined by a series of alcoves carved with bas reliefs, depicting theologico-historical themes. The final alcove contained a scene of judgment, with punishment was being meted out to repentant sinners by giant puppets. At the end the corridor opened into a large room. At this point, Pigfucker was whining with hackles up. 

Entering the room, the party’s torches illuminated stone bleachers to either side, with a wooden stage three feet up in the center of the room. The stage was massive, and appeared to be in a state of disrepair. While the party waited near the entrance, Failure went scouting along the edge of the stage, noting that the area under it had been filled with straw and ragged strips of cloth. Coming upon a few holes in the nesting material at the corner of the stage, Failure crawled in, coming face to face with the huge head of a blind sow. The sow lapped at offal, it's flesh billowing behind it, apparently filling much of the space under the stage. At that moment, the party heard the screams of Dugald the linkboy who was bringing up the rear. 

They turned in time to see three sinuous white swine with human hands pulling his bloody body back into the darkness. Past them came streaming more of the things. A raucous battle ensued, with Sir Tresken slaying many swine, but not before Pretty Boy Groff went down, spilling his innards. When more swine streamed into the room and things looked a little bleak, the party arranged a diversion, setting fire to the stuffing under the stage near the giant sow head and retreating up on to the stone bleachers. This had the desired effect of distracting the swine that futilely attempted to put out the spreading fire as the party picked them off.   

As the smoke mounted and the flames spread, the party hastened to a statue Failure had seen at the head of the stage. Standing on a 6’ stone pedestal inscribed with swirling geometrical patterns, the basalt statue was of figure wearing a beaked mask opening his robes to reveal numerous smaller beaked heads emerging from his torso. Gems sparkled from the heads. Working quickly, the party pried as many free as they dared, helped in this effort by Brysan Randall, a merchant priest who had entered the door after them, and followed the smell of smoke to the room. As the smoke thickened, the stage shook with bellows of the blind sow, until finally the hog screams ceased and the air was thick with the smell of bacon. Almost undone by his greed, Ilnar remained working at the statue until the last possible minute, when faint from smoke, he fell to the ground. The party exited the way they came.

Hoping to beat a hasty retreat back to the door, they were stopped in their tracks by a strange sight blocking the end of the corridor out of the room with the stage. A crowned and bearded man was silently stuffing swans into a contraption like a spaghetti press, out of which came threads of starlight. A bit naïve in the ways of the dungeon, Bryson approached the gentleman attempting to parlay. The old man silently offered him the strands of starlight. When he moved to accept the offer, he could see that the old man and the contraption emerged from a pool of black ooze. Losing shape, the ooze surged at Bryson, almost ending him with a ringing blow to the head. Calling on the Nepthlys he was able to save himself, as he fell back. A melee ensued, during which the sludge tried to drown the party in its black mire, but it was was eventually destroyed without fatality. Taking a sample, the party returned to the door, crossing back into Ultan’s print shop. 

Dugald the Linkboy
Pretty Boy Groff

3 beaked masks 150 gp
2 huge opals 1000 gp
Smaller assorted gems 500 gp
One sample of Dream sludge

Creatures Slain

Nine White Swine Things 90 xp
Blind Sow Queen 100 xp
1 Dream Sludge 60 xp

GP per player: 412
XP per player: 475


  1. Can the merchant Randall throw some coin towards consulting with a charcutier regarding the feasibility of cornering the demon sausage market? Hopefully a halfling of appropriate girth. I want to monetize the ulimite desire for new and unusual experiences

  2. Michael Wentzloff  with your connections with the Merchant's Guild that is possible.You are able to find just the man: Vassimo Cox is a purveyor of rare meats who sells to both the Voluptuaries in the temple and to the kitchens of the Chatelaine's palace. He will purchase the carcasses of new and interesting creatures, provided they prove edible.


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