At the start of any session, you can declare that your character went on a binge, spending up to ((your level + 1d6) x 100 gold pieces). You receive 50% of that back as additional xp. However, you must immediately make a save vs. poison or roll on the following carousing mishaps table. (The table is a mashup of one by Jeff Rients and one by Gus L.)

1. Hangover – A soft, nauseous stomach, painful pressure behind the eyes, you’re hung over and roll at -1 on all physical actions next session.
2. You have acquired an addiction to one of the many substances available for consumption at the Temple of Ulim (1d4: 1. Black Lotus 2. Opium 3. Virdian Powder 4. Hashish). Anytime you return to town you must acquire and indulge in your vice (spending 50 GP x Level) on intoxicants.  The inability to obtain sufficient intoxicants results in a -2 on all rolls during the next session.
3. What did they mix this with? You suffered a very bad trip, and are still shaken. When surprised in the next session lose an additional round recovering.   
4. Gambling – It all came down to that last roll of the dice, or that last hand of cards, and you failed, busted, rolled out, got cheated.  Either way you lose Level x 1D4 x 50 additional GP. This may take the form of a debt to organized crime.
5. Fancy Tastes – That divine concoction, you simply must have more! You’ve matured, and you deserve the best! Your high end tastes now require double investment on your future carousing rolls.  The effect of carousing is unchanged, and the extra money wasted.
6. New Friends – You’re the life of the party! Everyone hangs on your word as you tell of your deeds. Get a hireling for free next session.
7. You find yourself falling for a temple performer.  Used to admirers, the object of your affections will encourage you to bring gifts.  If you give a gift less than 50GP before each session, your paramour’s scornful mockery will depress you, with a 1 point penalty to AC.  
8. Raid! The Scarlet Censors raided an unapproved establishment while you were present. Roll a charisma check. If you fail, you were fined an additional 1d6X100 gp. If you cannot pay, you were branded on the face and owe the Censors the money.
9. Paramour – The new object of your affections has a paramour, a big, scary, jealous paramour.  You’ll need to fight him or her at some point. 
10. Make a fool of yourself in public. Gain no XP. Roll Charisma check or gain reputation as a drunken lout.
11. Involved in random brawl. Roll Strength check or start adventure d3 hit points short.
12. Romantic entanglement. Roll Wisdom check to avoid nuptials. Otherwise 1-3 scorned lover, 4-6 angered parents.
13. Beaten and robbed. Lose all your personal effects and reduced to half hit points.
14. Invest all your spare cash in some smooth-tongued merchant’s scheme. 1-4 it’s bogus 5 it’s bogus and Johnny Law thinks you’re in on it 6 actual money making opportunity returns d% profits in 3d4 months.
15. Vandalism. You had to make your intentions known and did so in lovely three foot tall letters or by smashing up someone’s window. 50% the victim of the crime will find out it was you.
16. You couldn’t really see the rash in the candlelight. Roll Constitution check to avoid venereal disease.
17. Details are hazy, but somehow over the course of the night, you lost your seal and your papers. It is possible that someone stole them and will now impersonate you. In any case, you are now in the city illegally.
18. In the euphoria of the evening, you let slip something you shouldn’t have. This will come back to haunt you. 
19. You Had a Great Time – Nothing bad happened, you went out and thoroughly enjoyed yourself.
20. It was a magical night. You are still flying high. +1 to all saving throws for this session.

Religious Donations

If your character is a cleric or seriously religious, then every level he may donate up to (his level x 1000 gp) in exchange for additional xp. You receive 25% of your donation back in XP. So over the course of your entire first level, you may donate 1000 gp and you will receive 250 additional XP for this contribution. You can always give more, but you will not receive additional XP.


You may declare that you are investing your funds in a business venture. Such investments may yield future returns. I'll post a system shortly. You should describe your investment. This does not net you any additional XP, but it may increase your wealth and influence over time. 

Buying Fancy Equipment

You can pay two hundred times the list price of armor or weapons to purchase an especially fine version. Fine weapons do one extra point of damage, and fine armor is one lower AC. Such weapons must be repaired after each session in which they are used for 1/10 their cost in order to keep their advantage. Buying such fancy weapons does not provide additional XP.

Real Estate

Only residents of Rastingdrung can officially own real estate within the city walls. The market is quite small and the prices inflated, since most real estate remains within a family for generations. Foreigners must either employ a proxy or come to a rental agreement. What follows are base costs for renting and buying, which are then multiplied by a neighborhood multiplier. Each type of dwelling can take many forms. (Expect a post on neighborhoods in Rastingdrung soon.)

A single room, usually in an attic or cellar
1 SP to rent per session (rental only)

A couple of rooms
5 SP to rent per session (rental only)

A standalone house, three or four rooms
1 GP to rent per session, 200 GP to buy

Modest Townhouse
Two floors, four to five rooms
5 GP to rent, 1000 GP to buy

Opulent Townhouse
Three floors, six to eight rooms
25 GP to rent, 5000 GP to buy

Three floors, ten to twelve rooms
75 GP to rent, 15,0000 GP to buy

Poor .5x cost (nothing above modest townhouse available)
Middling 1x cost (nothing above opulent townhouse available)
Well-to-do 1.5x cost
Rich 2x cost (No cottages available here)

Wizard Gear

Making Scrolls:

A magic-user may transcribe a spell from her spell book to a scroll. The cost is the spell level x 50 gp per day, and the process takes a total of 2d6 days. 

Researching Spells:

In order to research spells, a magic-user must have access to a library. If she is building a library, it would normally cost 1000gp per spell level (i.e. researching 3rd level spells requires a 3000gp standing library), but in Rastingdrung the prices are doubled owing to the contraband nature of all written material. Found tomes and grimoires contribute to the total at their gp value. Researching a spell that is on the lists costs spell level x 25 gp per day, for 3d6 days. Researching a spell that is not on the lists costs spell level x 50 gp per day, for 4d6 days. Gold spent on building a library, writing a scroll, or researching a spell does not provide extra XP.

Laboratory Construction:

First a space must be acquired to house the laboratory. (See the real-estate options below.) One real estate level is required per spell level. So a 5th level wizard who can cast 3rd level spells will require a cottage. The materials for the laboratory cost 1000gp per spell level. However, there are some things money can't buy. For each spell level at 3rd and higher, a wondrous item must be acquired in game for the lab. Also note that any arcane, alchemical, or bio-bizarre material acquired in game can count towards the cost of the next spell level for the lab at their gp value, or otherwise as determined by the DM.


  1. Failure will carouse at the start of the next session he plays in.

  2. Travis Miller I just posted rules on building a magical library, writing scrolls, and researching spells. Your character has a lot of ways to spend money! He's seriously religious, so he can donate money to the Temple of Ulim for additional XP. He can certainly carouse (that's a religious act as well!), and the Festival of Saint Balix would have been a sweet time to sample the enticements in the Temple Tombs. Per the new rules, he can also start building a library, or buy fancy equipment.

  3. Travis Miller I've just posted rules on real estate and constructing laboratories. To house both a laboratory and a library for 2nd level spells, you'll need to buy a cottage. Note that you already have a start on a library. let's say that the rubbings from columns, and the spell book constitute a 1000 GP downpayment toward that. To research first level vivimancer spells, you'll to spend 1000 GP more. To be able to research second level vivimancer spells, you'll need to spend 3000 GP more.

    For the laboratory as well at 2nd level, you'll need to spend 2000 GP. So the total cost for everything all at once (real estate, library and lab) would be 5200 GP assuming you buy the cottage in a middling neighborhood.


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