Campaign News for the 10/9/15 session:

Campaign News for the 10/9/15 session:

The Feast of Saint Balix, Mother of the Entombed Twins, is fast approaching. During this pleasant holiday, Rastingdrung celebrates the pregnant saint's martyrdom by living entombment by picnicking in the city's hillside cemeteries. As is traditional, the Temple of Ulim sends performers to enliven the graveside repast. For those with richer tastes, the Temple also opens a portion of its catacombs for use as opium dens and pleasure chambers. 

In preparation for this holiday, the importer of sausages and fine meats Bryce has contacted, Vassimo Cox, will pay a flat fee of 50 gp for each edible new specimen, with a further 5 gp per pound of meat delivered. 

The consumers of court gossip are a twitter with satisfying reports of the humiliation of the Chatelaine's third apprentice, the eerie child witch Adriana. For the crime of having embarrassed the handsome (if obtuse) paramour of the Chatelaine, she has been demoted to sixth apprentice. Despire her penetrating talents, in the ranking of apprentices, she is now above only Mordrovo, master of colored vapors.


  1. I see a great future in dungeon meat products stretching ahead.


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