Campaign Time

Campaign Time

We need to have an objective way to measure the time that passes between each session. Normally 1:1 would work fine. However, we're only playing every other week, and in the game time is of the essence. This is for several reasons, one of which is already clear: Ultan's door will only remain open (and accessible) for so long. 

So I propose that we use a 3:1 real time to campaign time ratio instead, rounding fractions down. So if two weeks pass between session X and session Y, session Y will take place 4 days after session X. If three weeks pass, session Y will take place a full week later. And so on. 

Four days works well as the default for now. It's just enough time to rest, heal, repair armor, make inquiries, purchase goods, go carousing, etc. If players ever wish to spend more down time, or less, between sessions for some unusual reasons, we can work it out.


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