Here's the promised map of Ultan's shop, with all the relevant dimensions.

Here's the promised map of Ultan's shop, with all the relevant dimensions. Note that the blown up drawing to the right of the space under the stairs uses a different scale than the drawing to the left of Ultan's shop. I included the sizes of all the doors, since it seemed relevant.


  1. Eric Boyd Re: your questions about what could be made to fit where.

  2. "A coracle typically seems to be 3' to 4' (90-120 cm) wide, 4' to 6' (120-180 cm) long." Now, it's not a very fast boat or good in currents; we'd use a safety line and maybe try to pole it across, failing that launch from well upstream.

  3. I imagine that you could rustle up some kind of boat like that, given that Rastingdrung is on a large lake, fed by a river, with marshy environs at the edges. Judging by the dimensions, you could get it in through the alley, and through the door with some sweating.


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