Session 3

Session 3 

Sir Tresken, paladin to the Chatelaine of Storms 
Dozar, massive priest of MANA-YOOD SUSHAI
Gil, sorcerer and seriously religious Ulimite
Selwin, simpering linkboy (hireling)

The session opened with Sir Tresken’s visit to Adriana, the eerie child witch, currently Sixth Apprentice to the Chatelaine of Storms. Sir Tresken hoped to identify the dream sludge and iridescent powder the party had brought through Ultan’s door, and to form a connection that would facilitate future services. Given her recent fall from grace, Adriana had relocated to apartments over the palace kitchen, where Sir Tresken found her. In her incongruously gravelly voice, Adriana questioned him about the origin of the goods, but Sir Tresken was unwilling to answer. However, she found the items sufficiently interesting that she was willing to look at them anyway. She told him to come back in a couple of days, and they would talk more.  

Ready to pass through the door once again, the party convened on Ultan’s shop. Upon entering the door, Ultan greeted them nervously. He was sporting a fresh black eye, and was attended by a hulking bodyguard he referred to “Hiram”. Ultan said he felt duty bound to inform the group that when Agamar and his men went through the door just yesterday, they met immediate and severe resistance. Ultan then reminded the party that it is not his responsibility what happens to them when they went through the door, and that they bear full responsibility for the risks they assume by passing through the door. When the party reassures him that they share this understanding and will not seek a refund if they encounter difficulty, Ultan allowed them to pass through as usual at the fee of 15gp per head.

As they opened the door, bells jingled. The room on the other side had changed. The floor was now covered with straw, and the party could just make out several guildless and one of their queer hounds lurking in the shadows. Clearly identifying themselves and appealing to their pre-arranged agreement with the guildless, the party met only silent stares as they made their way west, carefully avoiding the bear traps they knew from bitter experience to lie beneath the straw.  Making their way up to the second story of the domed room, the party explored three bedrooms off the second story balcony. In a false wall behind an armoire in the southeastern room, they found a secret chamber with a viewing device through a two-way mirror, and a chest with a poisoned needle, containing several vials, one filled with a swirling green gas. Removing the mirror as well as a smaller freestanding mirror in another room, they carted them back to Ultan’s shop before carrying forward. Confronted with the huge mirrors, the guildless fled in dark shame from their reflections. 

The party next went down the long corridor with the sewage smell. The long hallway ended in a viewing room, with small windows overlooking the sewer river below. To the east, a portcullis was rusted in place a few feet off the ground. The western wall was taken up with friezes depicting seven stylized figures of different sorts, some warriors, another a crone, some dressed in ritualized garb of some kind. Some of the representations rung a bell to Dozar, but he was unable to place them. Proceeding east the party explored the entrance to the sewer river, noting that the docks on this side were empty, but that across the river a large carved canoe was docked. They next explored two rooms circular rooms containing a dried well with a muddy bottom and a ruined pantry. The party finally headed west to explore the triangular room on the map. 

As they approached the room, they heard voices speaking in the common tongue. The party decided to send Sir Tresken to parlay, cleverly reasoning that whoever was talking was likely a resident of Zyan above, and that Sir Tresken’s masked helm would meet their expectations. The triangular room was filled with a silvery light, that flowed from a brass fixture in the ceiling that was dotted with holes. The western side of the room was taken up by a massive tree, from which hung large silvery fruit, its twisted gnarled roots pushing up the stones around it. A strange group sporting leonine masks was enjoying sumptuous picnic spread on the floor. Two of the figures wore rich damask robes. One, a man with a strange blue armor beneath, mounted the saddle of a queer undulating beast, with large eyes and a centipede like head. The other, a woman, wore an outlandish peaked hat, and carried several several long cases on her back. The two remaining figures wore plainer garb, and had heavy packs sitting near them. 

The man identified himself in a haughty voice as “Ulilimanu”, and remarked that he did not recognize Sir Tresken’s attire, and inquired to which guild he belonged. When Sir Tresken replied that he was a traveler from far away, Ulilimanu burst into laughter, “As though we did not know that all that exists is great and mighty Zyan, surrounded by gulfs of air and endless blue sky on all sides!” Sir Tresken claimed that they had come through a magical portal from another world. Ulilimanu leapt at the possibility, announcing that he and his companions were great explorers who had come into the sewers of the undercity seeking an unknown way into the white jungle beneath. “But how much more splendid it would be to explore a whole other world! I command you, stranger, how can we find this portal?” When Sir Tresken demurred to answer directly, Ulilimanu commanded him to do so, noting contemptuously that the paladin does not even belong to a guild.

His pride wounded and sensing conversation coming to a close, Sir Tresken readied himself. Ulilimanu surged forward, driving the paladin stumbling back around the corner before the claws of his steed, his blade finding its way past the paladin’s armor and biting deep. As rider came around the corner, Dozar was ready and called on his Slumbering Deity to strike the Zyanite with a blinding light, as Gil threw his torch directly into the face of the steed. Seizing the opportunity, Sir Tresken unseated the haughty warrior, running him through with his sword. As the massive steed panicked, around the corner came streaming four entities, clouds of rainbow colored light, coalescing into cerebral appendages and dangling ganglia. But the party struck quickly felling all before they were affected by the strange touch of these eldritch beings. Gil quickly summoned a floating disk to carry Ulilimanu’s body, and the party ran at top speed back towards Ultan’s door, the soon to be looted corpse flying along behind them. 

Creatures slain: 

Ulilimanu and his steed: 100xp

Loot Taken:

Large cracked two way mirror: 300gp
Smaller intact mirror: 75gp
Ulilimanu’s lion mask: 100gp
Ulilimanu’s blue armor and bloodied damask robes: 300gp  
Ulilimanu’s sword: 120gp
Ring with a honking lavender pearl: 250gp
One swirling green potion

XP per player: 415
GP per player: 382

Note: If you choose not to sell any of the above items (other than the potion), divide the gp worth by 3 and deduct the result from the XP and GP per player. Let me know if there’s something you’ll be keeping.


  1. No masks associated with this festival. HOWEVER, there is a huge mask and float manufacturing operation for the Festival of Sybarites, which has a Carnivale like feel. So there are a few carvers who specialize in masks and such things. You feel confident you could get a reasonable reproduction of what you remember the plague doctor type masks you saw. Say 25 gp each.

    You would have trouble getting a canoe under the stairs. You'd have to convince Ultan to knock a hole through the wall.

    You can always try to sell Ultan any information. We can start with that next time if you want to.

  2. How about a coracle or a little rowboat? We just need to get one person across to steal that canoe or set up a rope bridge...

  3. I'll post a map of the shop with dimensions


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