Campaign News 1/15

Campaign News 1/15

Strange lacquered armor and fine antique weapons have begun showing up on the black market. In a perhaps related event, the gangs of Rastingdrung have taken to wearing tattered robes of fine patterned damask and outlandish hats of an unfamiliar style.The haberdashers are, naturally, outraged by this turn of events. Everyone expects the Scarlet Censors to step in at any moment and put a stop to this unorthodox sartorial development.

A duel of "Count" Valdir, the doltish paramour of the Chatelaine, and Bashar an attache to the representative of the Merchant's Guild has resulted in Valdir's death. The Chatelaine has withdrawn into seclusion to grieve. Since then, the skies have been black, with ceaseless rain falling for seven days now. The sewers are overflowing; if the storm does not break soon, disaster may ensue. Bashar is, of course, nowhere to be seen. Since her withdrawal, the court has been in chaos as simmering feuds and resentments between courtesans break out into open dissension. 

After a strange, incurable, wasting sickness spread through his extraordinary managerie, the dashing Almurek, masters of beasts, and current third apprentice to the Chatelaine of Storms, has announced his willingness to pay for the capture and delivery of any strange and remarkable beasts.


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