Notes per the next session: ask the Child Witch about some kind of living servitor that doesn't have a heartbeat, or...
Notes per the next session: ask the Child Witch about some kind of living servitor that doesn't have a heartbeat, or a scroll of Unseen Servant. I think we ought to offer her right of first refusal on the muscle-beasts and talk about our captive Fleischguilder. Charm Person loosens tongues handily.
Stuff we missed:
* Should have beheaded all the corpses and dropped the heads in the river. Someone might cast Speak with Dead, I have a strong impression the Fleisch Guild has access to that.
* Didn't do the pillar rubbings - next time wrap the roll of paper in something waterproof!
Stuff we missed:
* Should have beheaded all the corpses and dropped the heads in the river. Someone might cast Speak with Dead, I have a strong impression the Fleisch Guild has access to that.
* Didn't do the pillar rubbings - next time wrap the roll of paper in something waterproof!
Eric Boyd I'm going to post about your captive soon.