The Saw-bladed Polearm

The Saw-bladed Polearm

Damage: 1d10
Special: Ignore AC less powerful than chain. For use on monsters, treat AC 6-8 as though it were 9.


  1. We really should hang on to this, although as a cleric Dozar can't wield it. Just the thing for big monsters.

  2. OK, we'll make the XP adjustment, once we've figured the sale of the muscle jellies.

  3. Eric Boyd If you want them for this session, you can hold on to the five copper masks you snagged. (That too would go into the XP/GP tally, currently TBD.) You do have a connection who seems pretty handy at making masks. I may post something about him sometime. He can make you some copper looking masks that he thinks will look pretty similar, but that will take 1 week. It will cost you 25 gp per mask. 

    You can keep 1 iron whistle. We'll say you recovered 2. 

    With the help of Tim Other s character, Xol Rashek you are able to make your way into a private inner garden of the palace, where Almuric's impressive physique is draped over a divan, drinking away his sorrows from a flagon. He greats you will sullen arrogance, but  tosses aside the flagon to follow you straight away when he hears what you propose. When he gets a look at the beasts, and you show him how the whistle works, he is fascinated. He inquires where you procured them, and accepts your discretion with a knowing smile. He offers you 1500gp for the two, and expresses a willingness to do business again soon.


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