
Showing posts from February, 2016

Here is a fillable character sheet for Labyrinth Lord.

Here is a fillable character sheet for Labyrinth Lord.

Here's a link to Labyrinth Lord, Advanced Edition Companion, the base rules set for this campaign

Here's a link to Labyrinth Lord, Advanced Edition Companion, the base rules set for this campaign

Travis Miller The partial rubbings from the columns grip your interest.

Travis Miller The partial rubbings from the columns grip your interest. You make a copy of them before selling them to Adriana. In conjunction with the spells you transcribed in your spell book from the scrolls in the sarcophagus, you begin to understand the principles that underlie the alien and eldritch science of vivimancy. The arcane secrets of life unfold before you, giving you a glimpse of unimaginable mutations and hidden connections. You may now become a vivimancer if you like. If so, you may retain all the magic-user spells you already know. But from this point you may only learn vivimancer spells. I have attached a link to the PDF containing a treatment of the class below. If you choose to make this switch, for next session you will be able to cast the following spell that you have transcribed in your spell book: Muscle Control Duration: 1d4 rounds, +1 round per level Range: 60' This spell allows the caster to attempt to control the muscles of creatures within range, caus

Campaign news for 2/26

Campaign news for 2/26  The driving rains have finally come to an end, as the Chatelaine has emerged, pale and sullen from her mourning. There is a whispered rumor that she may finally take up with her apprentice Almuric, from whom she has been aloof despite his rather obvious charms. Speaking of Almuric, two gangsters disguised as footman were found with crushed torsos and partially devoured innards in the tunnels leading to the area formerly housing his managerie, where it is his magical apparatuses are rumored to be kept as well. What fearsome beast might have accomplished this defensive act is a matter of speculation. The Council of Carvers has entered a cold war with The Guild of Hewers following their failure to renew the contract on shining timber. Rumors suggest that the Hewers have been emboldened by the discovering of a new entrance to underwater chambers beneath the ancient refinery on the shore of lake wooling. (What they may have found, no one outside the guild knows.) The

Where to in Session 7?

Where to in Session 7?  I've become paranoid about having conversations on events, every since my phone forced me to "upgrade", and made it all but impossible to get to events, except from my desktop. So I've pasted the conversation as it has unfolded thus far here. I'm tagging in people who have said yes or maybe so far, or otherwise participated in the conversation. Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Michael Raston Chris Kutalik Tim Other Zak Sabbath  Me: I'll definitely need to know where people want to go for the next session. At this point there are at least 3 options: (1) catacombs of the fleischguild (2) the white jungle below (3) Zyan above Tim Other  Xol would like to hire people to track down the thugs that beat him up outside the opium den.  After that, the white jungle below sounds interesting.  I think we may be pressing our luck by continuing to raid the fleischguild.   Me: If you do go the white jungle route, Ulantanu informed you that he knew of two

The take from Session 6:

The take from Session 6: Creatures slain or captured: Maw Hulk: 200 XP Five Apprentice Fleishguilders: 50 XP One Neural Overseer: 40 XP (captured) Mummies Valoopikesh and Salazipur: 400 XP Loot acquired: Regular fleischguilder masks, weapons, and trinkets: 400 gp Mask of the Neural Overseer: 150 gp  Rubbings of the columns: 1500 gp from Adriana Valoopikesh's Bronze Breastplate: 300 gp Valoopikesh's Jeweled Mitre: 1000 gp Salazipur's Silver Circlet encrusted with lapis Lazuli: 200 gp Also:  Bronze alchemical canon: worth 500 gp in scrap, or 2500gp to the Chatelaine, but will attract attention if sold to her (you decide) A wavy sword, etched with runes and obscene organic forms (evil) Current player haul (assuming more valuable but risky canon sale): XP: 1123 GP: 1008 More on the rubbings and captive shortly Zak Sabbath Aleksandr Revzin Travis Miller Tim Other Eric Boyd Chris P.

Thought you might like this.

Thought you might like this.