Travis Miller The partial rubbings from the columns grip your interest. You make a copy of them before selling them to Adriana. In conjunction with the spells you transcribed in your spell book from the scrolls in the sarcophagus, you begin to understand the principles that underlie the alien and eldritch science of vivimancy. The arcane secrets of life unfold before you, giving you a glimpse of unimaginable mutations and hidden connections. You may now become a vivimancer if you like. If so, you may retain all the magic-user spells you already know. But from this point you may only learn vivimancer spells. I have attached a link to the PDF containing a treatment of the class below. If you choose to make this switch, for next session you will be able to cast the following spell that you have transcribed in your spell book: Muscle Control Duration: 1d4 rounds, +1 round per level Range: 60' This spell allows the caster to attempt to control the muscles of creatures within range, caus...