Where to in Session 7?

Where to in Session 7? 

I've become paranoid about having conversations on events, every since my phone forced me to "upgrade", and made it all but impossible to get to events, except from my desktop. So I've pasted the conversation as it has unfolded thus far here. I'm tagging in people who have said yes or maybe so far, or otherwise participated in the conversation. Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Michael Raston Chris Kutalik Tim Other Zak Sabbath 

Me: I'll definitely need to know where people want to go for the next session. At this point there are at least 3 options:
(1) catacombs of the fleischguild
(2) the white jungle below
(3) Zyan above

Tim Other  Xol would like to hire people to track down the thugs that beat him up outside the opium den.  After that, the white jungle below sounds interesting.  I think we may be pressing our luck by continuing to raid the fleischguild.  

Me: If you do go the white jungle route, Ulantanu informed you that he knew of two ways to get there. Apparently the sewer river if followed past the catacombs eventually empties into a great waterfall downstream. But the waters have gotten sluggish recently, so Ulantanu thought there might be some kind of blockage ahead. The second route is through the chasm in the Ruins of the Inquisitor's Theater that supposedly leads straight through to the white jungle. The Guildless at one point told the group, however, that "something terrible" hunts in the chasm.


  1. Has the party been to the white jungle? I was pretty keen on getting there in the first few sessions.

  2. Chris Kutalik the party has not yet been

  3. If we are planning to head to the jungle, I'd prefer to investigate the chasm route: there may be a horrid monster, but at least it's dry.


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