Campaign news for 2/26

Campaign news for 2/26 

The driving rains have finally come to an end, as the Chatelaine has emerged, pale and sullen from her mourning. There is a whispered rumor that she may finally take up with her apprentice Almuric, from whom she has been aloof despite his rather obvious charms. Speaking of Almuric, two gangsters disguised as footman were found with crushed torsos and partially devoured innards in the tunnels leading to the area formerly housing his managerie, where it is his magical apparatuses are rumored to be kept as well. What fearsome beast might have accomplished this defensive act is a matter of speculation.

The Council of Carvers has entered a cold war with The Guild of Hewers following their failure to renew the contract on shining timber. Rumors suggest that the Hewers have been emboldened by the discovering of a new entrance to underwater chambers beneath the ancient refinery on the shore of lake wooling. (What they may have found, no one outside the guild knows.) The Voluptuaries side, as always, with the Carvers who provide their icons and effigies. But it is rumored that various factions at court, seizing on the Chatelaine’s subdued presence, are jockeying for favor with the Hewers. The outcome of this impasse is uncertain. 

In the swollen floodwaters of Lake Wooling, the Bishop, the supposed giant totem fish of the lake, about which many tall tales are told, has surfaced to prophesy to a fisherman and his son. According to the drunken fisherman, he proclaimed that the time as on hand when “Strangers from beyond will pass judgment and find you wanting. Look not from side to side with wagging head, least they come from outside, burning your homes even unto the eaves!”


  1. "the tunnels leading to the area formerly housing his menagerie"- do we know where this is? If we can commission some long metal boxes with sturdy latches, we can steal the flesh puddings and whatever else isn't nailed down...

  2. :) Tim Other 's character Xol would have some idea where the tunnels are. He probably wouldn't ever have been there, but he has a rough idea. He thinks that they're accessible from a corridor that runs near the bathes in the lower level of the palace.


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