Adrianna and Your Other Contants

Adrianna and Your Other Contants

When you bring her your loot for the purposes of identification, Adrianna the child witch and Fifth Apprentice to the Chatelaine informs you in her gravelly voice that the four potions you had her prepare from the sludge of the Oneiric Pudding are complete now. In heavy glass chairs, you see a thin grey substance across which absurd images flicker. She informs you that "to the best of her knowledge" when one consumes them before sleep a "shimmering priaduct" will form around the sleeper's body, transporting him and his possessions to any location from Wishery that he has previously visited. He must only recall the image from memory firmly in his mind as he imbibes the possession. The priaduct will remain open for "24 hours" (this is an upward estimate from what she told you last time--she says that she has done further research.)

After investigating the glass globes, Adrianna reports that the substance isn't magical. However, when she served it in a goblet to a kitchen maid, the maid declared it "absolutely delicious" and suffered nothing worse than intoxication and a hangover the next day. The maid consumed one globe, and Adrianna is holding back another "for her researches".

She informs you that the horn is definitely magical. She says that it has some kind of summoning power, perhaps over lunar creatures. Adrianna is not sure how to use it, seeming somewhat out of her league. She offers to take it off your hands for 1000gp. Unless you want to hold on to it.

About the vial of indigo water, she says that it definitely has magical properties. Without a lot more it would be hard to know what it does. She shows you an iron bowl she poured the vial into, and you can see a small crystalline structure growing out of it. She is willing to pay 100gp per gallon of it, up to 10 gallons.

She says, "Judging from what you have brought to me, it seems to me that you've stumbled upon a portion of Wishery fed by lunar dreams. It is said that different portion of the dreamlands have their root in different portions of the waking world."

She also inquires whether you've come any closer to opening any of the routes that Ulantanu mentioned to the White Jungle. She says, with a coy smile, "I'm not getting any younger. I have my hopes pinned on you, and it would appear we both have some competition."

Your meat man, Vassimo Cox is not interested in the corpse of the faceless ape, which is stringy and has a bitter taste.

So, what do you want to do with the corpse of the faceless ape? And will you be selling the horn to Adrianna?

Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Joshua Blackketter Chris P.


  1. Hmmm, keep the horn and experiment with it?

  2. I'd like to take the selection of mushrooms I grabbed to an herbalist, expert sage, or a chef to see if they can be identified.

  3. Oh right, I forgot about that!


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