Current Campaign Map

Current Campaign Map

This map shows in quasi-point-crawl fashion the locations the party has visited thus far. It is obviously not to scale. It also illustrates some of the avenues currently open to exploration. You can use this to discuss the party's priorities, which will be helpful to me in planning. Here is a brief rundown of the locations shown, as far as the party knows.

Ultan’s door deposits you in the Ruins of the Inquisitors’ Guild. It is located in the undercity or sewers of Zyan, a flying city in the dreamlands. It is an abandoned area that the party has mostly explored. To the north, the Ruins of the Inquisitors’ Guild opens onto the great sewer river that runs from Zyan above. The party has access to a boat.

Across the river is the Churning Gate. The gate is currently blocked by a strange spatio-temporal phenomenon. However, stairs here lead up to a doorway that the party picked in the last session. It leads to an area I’m calling the Temple of the Horoscops. The Horoscops appear to be some kind of weirding women. The Temple is in active use, judging from the party’s last foray. This area is barely explored. It also is the closest the party has gotten to Zyan above.

Downriver, the party has gotten as far as The Catacombs of the Fleischguild. The party made three or four expeditions to the tombs within, leaving open avenues of exploration and some tempting treasure—including the Heart of Haldicar, an enormous pulsating gem—within. However, eventually their incursions were detected and resistance began to mount. In the last battle literal siege weapons were deployed in its defense.

The party has not explored upstream, but the party heard the roar of rapids or perhaps a waterfall when they briefly went upstream. The party also has not been downstream of the Catacombs. A captured prisoner (Ulantanu) informs them that the sewer river spills into the White Jungle downstream. But he also reports that its flow has become sluggish recently, suggesting some kind of blockage ahead. This is one possible avenue of exploration.

The party has also been down into a chasm directly south of the Ruins of the Inquisitors' Guild. The same prisoner had informed them that the chasm was rumored to be a more direct route into the White Jungle. Within the chasm the party encountered a strange bulbous creature. Using a black web structure that fills the tunnel down, the entity summoned shadow beings that fought the party to a retreat. This is another possibility avenue of exploration.

South of the chasm, the party discovered a new area: a series of empty rooms and abandoned halls, stretching in many directions. I am calling it the Apartments of the Guildless after the sorry souls that the party encountered in this direction. The party has now partially explored this area, uncovering a new location: The Lunar Caverns to the east. [This should now replace the question mark at the bottom. There may or may not also be other locations reachable from the Apartments of the Guildless.]


  1. That's enough information for me. I've got those options covered.

  2. To be clear, I can also handle exploring the apartments further as Joshua mentioned upstream

  3. If we choose to blow the horn, having some extra hirelings would be in order, I think. I'm also good with the falls: Note bring lots of rope and spikes.


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