6/30 Session Recap and the Take

6/30 Session Recap and the Take

The party travelled once again through the door. This time they took with them a host of hirelings, including Magdelena the former temple prostitute, Rhaskos a sleepy-eyed bodyguard, and Selwin, the former linkboy. Selwin, having traveled through the door seven times now without dying, had leveled up become Fighter 1. He informed the party that he had “undergone extensive training”, and, in keeping with his new station, brought with him his own linkboy, Lokar who he proceeded to boss around in a high-handed manner.

The party proceeded south through the Apartments of the Guildless, and entered the Lunar Caverns. In a brief clash with the faceless apes, Selwin proved his foolhardy valor by slaying an ape in a single blow with a charge. The party then explored a cave north of the obelisk cavern, containing a pool of frigid water. Beneath the surface, violet light spilled from underwater caves, illuminating grey reeds, nestled in which were glistening pearls. The party there faced a numinous tentacle being that emerged from the water when the party pushed its luck. The highlight of the battle included Selwin failing a morale check and cowering, only to be targeted by a save or die disintegration role from the creatures eye. (He survived, amazingly.)

High on their success, the party proceeded to the cavern with the indigo water. There they met a tall being from the moon. He warned the party away from the Lunar Caverns, telling them that a great evil had been brought from the moon and imprisoned here. He referred to himself and other guardians of this area as Armigers. The party arranged a trade with him in order to buy time to harvest their resources. He tried to block their egress and, perhaps, stage an assault. However, the party was able to escape and returned to the waking world laden with treasures.

Creatures Slain:
Numinous Being: 800xp

Treasure taken:
5 Huge Pearls: 1250gp
20 globes of lunar cognac: 1000gp
10 gallons of indigo water: 1000gp
Helm set with a massive Rose Beryl stone: 1500gp
Necklace of Egress: Adrianna informs you that is a custom device useful for penetrating specific magical barriers
The glowing violet crystals fade as you remove them from the Lunar Caverns, leaving behind what looks like a flawed quartz (worthless)
[Keep in mind as well that you still have the horn from last time]

Total XP per player: 1,110 (I’ll keep track of Selwins advancement)
GP per player: 950

Joshua Blackketter Aleksandr Revzin Chris P. Eric Boyd


  1. Chris P. Ulantanu eyes light up when you show him the horn, "A splendid piece of craftsmanship!" He informs you that such objects are produced using esoteric techniques by the most skilled artisan of the Laloompius clan, which manufactures musical instruments. Such arcane instruments are used to ward against, command, summon, banish, and so forth, entities from other worlds. They are employed in regions of Zyan where other places "bleed through". He refers to this casually as though you would know the phenomenon.

  2. "They are employed in regions of Zyan where other places "bleed through". He refers to this casually as though you would know the phenomenon."

    I mean, I guess we kind of do, actually.

    Can he tell what this particular one does? Or does a single instrument do all of those?

  3. He says that the particular use of this instrument is beyond his ken.


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