Campaign News 7/7

Campaign News 7/7

Life has returned to normal in Rastingdrung. The hewers are back at work, hauling timber from around the shores of the lake with renewed gusto. Everything is in full bloom. The fisherman have made their whimsical sacrifices to the Bishop--the [supposed] great talking fish of Lake Wooling--in preparation for the arrival of the schools of river gos, a strange species of slippery silver fish that migrates to the contaminated waters of the lake to spawn on the summer equinox.

The Voluptuaries find themselves on shaky ground. Popular resentment towards them is boiling over, emboldened by the Chatelaine's recent humiliation. After an unusual incident in which a Scarlet Censor was openly pelted with rotten fruit by a mob, the Voluptuaries are taking a light touch to the enforcement of hedonistic mores. They scheme for a return to their former position.

With summer around the corner, the palace has just begun preparations for the yearly Festival of the Sybarites. Secret plans are being hatched, and goods and decorations are beginning to trickle into the city-state. The Chatelaine's Apprentices too are beginning to turn to their thoughts to their competition, in which their displays of sorcerous power determine their pecking order for the year to come. Both Adrianna and Almuric express eagerness to receive rare goods from the party.


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