The Take and Session Recap 7/14

The Take and Session Recap 7/14

This session saw the party’s first foray into the White Jungle, the 3-D hexcrawl of the jungle that hangs below Zyan. They decided to follow up on a report from the hanging merchants that a merchant named Ulaptaloom and all his employees were seized a month ago in a raid by the Children of the Spore. They were told that Ulaptaloom wore much jewelry around his person, and that he had, in particular, a ring that was an old family heirloom, for which the merchants would pay handsomely. They were told that the Children maintain a tower at the top of the brambles a mile or more to the south of the pagodas.

The party followed a set of hanging steps that descended through the chasm into the first level of the jungle. At this level the great trees grow branches that flow together, forming a three dimensional lattice of brambly wood punctuated by many precipitous drops, and blockages. They followed a dilapidated footpath into the SW hex that consisted of hand and footholds, and little bridge, and cleared pathes and the like. From there they turned south. Highlights of their journey included finding a hideous statue infested with priapic worms, and getting attacked by a brambly beast with an enormous black rose for a head. They managed not to get lost, and only two climb checks were induced, both by Salinger the thief who passed them handily.

Having camped the night they located the tower rising above the brambles. Using a spyglass and some nightvision fungus jelly, they were able to scout it out well, avoiding some obvious traps. They took the tower guerilla style, managing to fight the hideously deformed residents in small groups. Things got dicey at the top, where the Golden Spore emitted euphoria-inducing clouds (save vs. poison every round), and the players were simultaneously facing three enormous Spore Hulks. But they carried the day, everyone surviving except for sleepy-eyed Rhaskos the hireling. They destroyed the Golden Spore and reclaimed the transmuted bodies of unfortunate Ulaptaloom and his employees.

On the return trip, those who failed their saves in the presence of the Golden Spore begin to grow nodules over their body. However, Dozar and Cletus are able to cure the budding disease, returning everyone to health.

Creatures Slain or Defeated

Rose Beast 50 XP
7 Spore-Headed 70 XP
4 Spore Hulks 200 XP
The Golden Spore 400 XP

Loot Recovered

The clothes of the kidnapped were all rotted by fungal growths, their armor split and burst, and masks distended and broken, as was some of Ulaptaloom’s jewelry. But your were able to salvage the following:

The “family heirloom” 1600 GP
Golden circlet set with a large purple opal 700 GP
Wonderously wrought silver dragon medallion 500 GP
Two brass rings set with pearls 400 GP
Copper bracelet set with tiny rubies 300 GP
Various gorgeous weapons recovered 350 GP

Tablets of the Fungal Mysteries: contains the following vivimancer spells: Spore Cloud, Fungal Growth, Animate Vegetation or Fungus, Fungal Zombie, Speak with Fungus, Spore Blast, Charm Fungus. The merchants have no idea what this is, and no interest in purchasing it.

The “family heirloom” is a ring of electrum, with a wide band. Behind a glass setting, there are three miniature portraits, only one of which shows at a time. They can be rotated by turning the part of the ring. The first portrait is of a severe looking woman with a thin face; the second is a ruggedly handsome man; the third is a of sly looking rogue. There is also a button that can be pressed should you wish to experiment with the ring.

Another question: what did you do with the still living bodies of Ulaptaloom et a. They are beyond the reach of a cure disease spell or any remedy.

XP per player: 894
GP if family heirloom is sold: 770
If the family heirloom is not sold: 470

Michael Raston Aleksandr Revzin Chris P. Eric Boyd B. Portly Also probably of interest to Travis Miller


  1. Mercurio looks a little disappointed at your suggestion. He says, "I suppose so. I know them well from hinterlands. We have discussed our shared fate and the various services we have performed on several occasions. The first is Marvinda. She was a wizard at court; I believe her title was "Ringer of Changes" or some such. She specialized in phantasms and seemings, and has much knowledge arcane and obscure. She has only one service remaining. The second is Valkum the Slayer. He forfeited his life and entered into bondage in a duel with the champion of the ring's original owner. He has, if I remember, three services remaining. He is handsome in a crude way, and vain. His services consist mainly in slaughter, although I'm sure he would be willing to entertain other propositions..." he adds with a wry smile, "if your tastes tend in that direction." And then he is gone.

  2. (I was asking if that would count as a service, not requesting that as a service... c'est la vie.)


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