Session 13 recap and take

Session 13 recap and take

This session began paused in the Cenotaph of Shirishanu in the room north of the altar room. (Map here: As Salinger, the one-eyed thief worked to disarm the trap he found on the coffin of a strange lion beast, Cletus stood guard out in the altar room. Suddenly a ball of darkness emerged from the inexplicably dark rent in the floor, and Cletus felt stabbing sensations as the pincers bit into his flesh and dragged him back towards the crack. The party emerged quickly. Dozar priest of the Slumbering God dispelled the blackness revealing a hideous white insect. The party was able to free Cletus and pinion the insect horror. It would still have gotten away, but for a lucky bulls-eye shot into the darkness by one-eyed Salinger. From the north and south rooms the party uncovered the coffins of two strange beasts, recovering a gem-like serpent eye, and snakeskin, and a gem studded collar.

They then proceeded back to the mural room, and searched more carefully for secret doors. Salinger discovered a secret door leading north. It led into a square room with stairs leading up. The stair led to a corridor at the end of which was a large room, dominated by a large alcove on its north wall, in which a marble statue stood. He was a knight, wearing plate mail of the waking world. His massive shield, dented and worn, was held as though warding off a blow, while his other powerful arm held a great warhammer. An inscription under the statue read, “Sir Garanax, loyal knight of the Lady Shirishanu, who protected her from her enemies in the darkest hour of her need.” Five feet in front of the statue, two grooves were carved into the floor, accompanied by the following inscription, “If you think yourself worthy of Garanax’s blessing, kneel before him here.”

Saint Garanax is the founder of the Stormriders, the order to which the party’s paladin Sir Tresken belongs. Tresken kneeled and received a lightning bolt to the chest. Once the trial had passed a voice said, “Well met. Find now a saddle on the likeness of Vyanir beyond the arch that faces me. The saddle is the twin of my own. They were fashioned from the hide of the Sanguine Worm, whom I hunted over three days, driving him ever upwards until he was trapped in the boughs of the densest jungle and had no choice but to face me. There I slew him in mighty battle, and stripped from his ensnared corpse only his hide and two great eyes. The wonderous craftsmen of Zyan made from them a pair of saddles fit for the breaking of wild crows. May the one you choose serve you as well as Vyanir served me.”

The party proceeded through the arch into a long and suspicious looking corridor. Salinger discovered a pair of tracks, likely a blade trap, which he spiked. The party proceeded cautiously down the corridor until they sprung the trap. They were able to avoid the blades, but the cleanup operation of acid mist from above took them by surprise. Everyone escaped except the weird sorcerer Gil, who was consumed by acid mist, and melted before the party’s eyes with all his possessions.

The party, shaken but not deterred, recovered the saddle, a gorgeous artifact of shiny green-scaled leather, set with an enormous orange eye encased in some sort of crystal. They then proceeded back to the mural room and explored east. Their they found a reading nook with three books of poetry. Walking down some stairs they came to a room with two murals. Searching again for secret doors, the temple prostitute Magdalena found a passageway to the south. It led to a large circular chamber.

As soon as they entered this room, lanterns with colored glass set into the walls ignited, illuminating the space in a warm yellow glow. In the center of the room a raised pedestal stood, on top of which a long and thin sword with a hand-guard fashioned in the shape of white petals rested on a velvet cushion. Across the room, a woman appeared on the four poster bed set into the bed. Rising to address them, she had the white hair of the Zyanese and piercing golden eyes, with tattoos on her face. She introduced herself as Laluria, handmaiden to the Lady Shirishanu. She informed the party that she had consented to be bound even in death to protect her Lady’s most precious possession from falling into unworthy hands. She challenged the group to choose their most able fighter to face her in a duel. Should she slay their champion, they must leave the room of the Petal Blade at once and never return. Should their champion triumph, her oath will be fulfilled and she will return finally to pass through the gates of Ushanpoor, the Brass City of the Dead. This is where we paused the game.

Creatures Slain:
White Insect

Loot Acquired:
Jeweled Eye and Snake Skin [dissolved in acid]
White Insect Eggs
Gold collar studded with opals
3 Books of Antique Poetry
The Twin Saddle of Saint Garanax

XP per player: 720
Note 1: We'll divide up the GP, based on the total number of PCs, and how many sessions each played in when you return to the hanging merchants and can make some sales
Note 2: Travis Miller You can add a half share of this XP to your next character's XP total. You can also keep whatever equipment from your previous character you would have had stashed at base camp. If you play in the next session, we'll retcon your new character in.

Aleksandr Revzin Joshua Blackketter Eric Boyd Travis Miller Chris P.


  1. Crap, that's right, I wanted to challenge her.

  2. Yeah, otherwise Dozar will have to.

  3. Joshua Blackketter And given your code, you probably have to take the challenge if you want to maintain your paladin abilities. if you aren't at the session, we'll retcon it so Sir Tresken never heard the challenge. Perhaps he fell into a strange revery when he lifted the twin of Garanax's saddle from the back of Vyanir, and the party has been unable to rouse him as his soul roams, glimpsing past glories.


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