Session 15: Siege of the Lurid Toads

Session 15: Siege of the Lurid Toads

Our intrepid party made a trip back to Rastingdrung in this session. They fed poisoned meat to the Lurid Toads on the way in, popped some dreamy looking bubbles, and collected oeniric pudding. On the way back they utterly destroyed the parasitic infestation of Lurid Toads. While many toads were laid up with terrible gastrointestinal pains, they took out the sentries, and managed to destroy the dam before they had to face any real opposition. This drained the cavern, and destroyed the strange bubble structures they had excreted. It was a complete route.

When the water had washed out, and the remaining toads had fled, this is what the party finds when it returns.

The remaining bubble structure has begun to dry out and crack up. Within is a yurt made of animal hides, and several tents. The yurt contained meats and chum hanging on racks and resting in tubs composed of the same weird excreted substance as the domes. It is utterly revolting to be in. The tents contained the sleeping places of a small number of the toads--it looks like they were mainly in the other bubble structure. There are some personal possessions, but they are befouled and mainly valueless.

However, when the party mounts the steps up to the rock shelf above the bubble encampment, it's a different story. Here an eery idol, quite heavy and large, 1000 lbs, is carved out of a porous green rock. The craftsmanship is very fine and the figure is disconcerting. It is squat and heavy, with folds of fat that hang down to cover its feet. The idols face is carved to look as though it is melting off, dripping downwards. The hollow eyes of the idol look out from the face with a sad and weary expression.

Around the base of the idol is a strange assortment of goods fished from the slowed waters. Among the valuable items include a gilded mask, a pair of copper bracelets set with carnelians, an amulet set with a large chrysoberyl, and fine robes. These are piled along side a sorry assortment of ruined goods, including a befouled child's doll, broken and mouldering masks, and ruined furniture. The valuable items are later identified by Malichar as funeral possessions, likely lifted from the funeral barges that nobles occasionally send down the sewer river in a pale imitation of the ancient custom of dropping the deceased into the heavens below.

Also revealed by the draining of the cavern is a large brass door 12 feet high in the western end of the cavern, set with a large ring. The door is unadorned, and the brass is tarnished.

Lurid Toads killed: 14 420 XP
Commission: 2000 GP
Mask: 300 GP
Bracelets: 200 GP
Amulet: 400 GP
Robes, only slightly befouled: 100 GP

622 XP per player
545 GP per player

Travis Miller Chris P. Eric Boyd Joshua Blackketter Aleksandr Revzin


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