The background below comes from the visions received during the reverie of Sir Tresken.

The background below comes from the visions received during the reverie of Sir Tresken.

The Twin of Vyanir’s Saddle

In the late afternoon of the Incandescent Kings, Sir Garanax tracked the Sanguine Wyrm to its lair. Returning to the Summer Palace where the courtiers feasted and made merry, he called on them to assemble a hunting party. The bravest of them rode out, the noblemen and women arrayed for hunting on their strange mounts, with a splendid retinue in train.

Surprising the beast, they drove it forward for three days and three nights, at great cost, for the old Wyrm was desperate in its rage and its thirst for survival was boundless. Crafty Garanax attacked always from below, driving him ever upwards until the great beast, exhausted, was tangled in the densest jungle where the boughs grew in thickets, and had no choice but to face him, hampered and constrained by the cutting branches that ensnared him. There the Wyrm slew many, as its terrible jaws gnashed the life from many well-clad noblemen and women, and its gyrations sent their splendid retinue spinning into the depths. But Garanax slew the beast striking within its mouth as it yawned to swallow him with his great hammer.

He took only a portion of the Sanguine Wyrm’s hide and his two great eyes, leaving the great corpse of the beast as a monument to the battle. These were fashioned by the wondrous craftsmen of Zyan into a twin pair of saddles. One of the twins Garanax used to master Vyanir, his legendary war crow. The other has lain in secret in the Cenotaph of Shirishanu—until now.

The saddle is a vibrant and complex green that reflects the light in strange ways, as when the sun strikes suddenly an emerald that looked dull under grey crowds, but it flashes forth now with the hue of spring newly arrived to the meadows, now with that of the cool depths of a summer pond. It is elaborately shaped, rising in sharp and terrible peaks. In its center rises a chest guard, the massive eye of the Sanguine Worm, encased in a clear crystal. The eye is a baleful orange, with a golden pupil. To either side there is a place for a stout war lance and shield to rest, and cleverly hidden saddlebags.

When secured to the back of a wild war crow, the Twin of Vyanir’s Saddle allows someone to break the crow as though he were 4 levels higher. It also grants -2 to the wearer’s AC, and -1 to morale checks of his enemies when worn on a tamed crow. [Rules on breaking war crows to come shortly.]

Joshua Blackketter Eric Boyd Travis Miller Aleksandr Revzin Chris P.


  1. Glorious. Now we have to find a wild crow.

  2. Dozar will blind it with light so you can catch it.

  3. Looking forward to posting rules about this. (Talk about specialized sub-systems!) I know how it works basically. Just need to work out a chart that relates HD to challenge.


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