At the hanging pagodas Malichar greets the party with his usual enthusiasm.

At the hanging pagodas Malichar greets the party with his usual enthusiasm. You feast on luscious fruits and strange meats from the jungle, and wash away the horrors of the jungle with the potent wines of Zyan. In your day of rest you witness the coming and going of a band of plumed reavers. They fly up out of the darkness of the chasm below, their glorious plumage matted and reeking with jungle decay. They are surly and silent, and move with a violent contempt. They enter Nekalimon’s pagoda with covered baskets, and emerge bearing arms and armor.

Ulram’s papers have finally come through. To the horror and Shock of the overmerchants Malichar and Nekalimon, Ulram is now owner of his Pagoda. This title comes with dominion over several abandoned pagaodas, one of which he promptly offers to you for your use, unconditionally and permanently. Note that Ulram is expanding his operation, and now has two guards—not nearly as many as Malichar, but not nothing. You may choose whether to extricate yourself from Malichar’s protection. If you do extricate yourself, you may take 10% more on all sales, but you forfeit Malichar’s protection.

Remarkably, three individuals have made their way from Zyan above to the hanging pagodas, looking for adventure. They are available for hire. They are:

Cavimesh F1 HP7 AC6 (Splint) MR9 Climb2 Longbow 1d8 Shortsword 1d6 ½ share XP and Treasure
He wears a grinning mask with a protruding tongue. He belongs to the imperfect Clan of the Grape Stompers. His demeanor is jolly. He says that he has come to the jungle because he exhausted his career prospects in Zyan above.

Marulu F0 HP4 AC9 MR8 Climb1 100GP. He wears a grimacing mask with sweat dripping from its creased brow. He belongs to the contemptible Clan of the Porters. He appears to be a simpleton. He says in simple language that he has come to the jungle accompanying Marulu—who constantly jests at his expense.

Epathinor F2 HP12 AC4 (Chain + Shield) Glaive 1d12+1 Shortwsword 1d6+1 Climb 1 MR10 full share XP and treasure. He is tall and wears the leonine mask of the Guild of Explorers. He says that he has come to the jungle because the Sibilant Maiden appeared to him in a dream.

Here are the outstanding hooks. Let me know what you want to do next session so I can plan.

(1) The House of Man Idols: this ruined hanging temple remains unexplored after last session. The party has learned that it is currently the lair of the Lamia Subati.

(2) The Valley of the Flowers: Zalvorex has offered the party 1000 GP for intelligence about the current state of the valley. He is offering 3000 GP for the twilight condenser. Bazekop also seems to be interested in this item.

(3) The Bronze Door: Your successful siege of the Lurid Toads has uncovered a large bronze door leading into the wall of the previously submerged stone cavern. You now also have reason to believe that the ancient statue of Golumex that sits above it likely contains a fetish of some sort.

(4) The Summer Palace: The party has finally uncovered the location of the legendary palace of the Incandescent Kings. It is in hex 2612 of level 3 far to the east. For the information you received about the Summer Palace from the chittering masons who built it, see the comments to this thread

(5) Visit Bazekop: Nekalimon has entreated you in the past to visit Bazekop, a benevolent spirit of the air who has given you a magical pearl. He is in need of able personages to help him in his ceaseless contest with the foul demonologist and necromancer Zalvorex. Bazekop can be sought in his invisible tower, which floats near the aerie of the giant crows in the lowest level of the jungle, on the far west side of the island in hex 1412 of Level 4.

(6) Hexploration: The party has uncovered numerous oddities in the jungle. In level 1 this includes the unexplored tunnel to the caves in 1709. In level 2 this includes the shimmering portal in 1411, the mushroom growths in 1812, and Lake Yannu in hex 2012.

(7) The Sewers: There are several half-explored dungeons here, and unexplored regions as well.

Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Joshua Blackketter cole long Chris P.


  1. When you mention Golumex to Malichar he shudders. "Golumex is the Archon of entropy and dismal decay. He is the Lord of abandoned purposes, he who delights in things too broken to be fixed. He is hated by all of Zyan and shunned by the Five (other) Archons. They exclude him from their great and ever-shifting game. Thus he is know as "He Who Watches From Outside". His dolorous countenance presides over places of utter hopelessness, such as the sacrificial pens of the Fleischguild. His form may also be found lurking outside the gates of places holy to the Five. He is worshipped only by vile outcasts. It is said that the Guildless worship an aspect of Golumex known as The Pickled Prince. It does not surprise me to learn that sordid parasites like the lurid toads, wallowing in the castings of decent society, worship him as well." Here he pauses for a moment, continuing reluctantly, "it is a sign of these dark and hopeless times that depraved cults secretly devoted to Golumex have sprung up recently in Zyan above, even amongst the more refined. There are also some who speculate that Golumex is somehow the source of the great curse born by the Metaphysical Crown. But this is speculation of the sort that is rife in metaphysical disputations."

  2. Oh, and none of the merchants seem to know anything about Subati the Lamia.

  3. Hmm, maybe the natives of the jungle know more about her.


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