The Witch Zalvorex

The Witch Zalvorex

Vaz makes the party comfortable, offering humble but delicious refreshments consisting of fragrant sweet tea, dumplings that taste of nutmeg, and a hearty soup. As he shuffles around, making these goods available, he inquires after your journey to the Emerald Pools. About your encounter with the smoldering locusts, he remarks that it is year in which they emerge from their long hibernation to feast and procreate furiously before returning to their resting places in the boles of the great trees. He recommends to you a pilgrimage to the burned out site of their mating grounds--their massive courtship and copulation provides a pyrotechnic display not to be missed, which will not be seen again for 33 years.

As you are finishing your meal, Zalvorex makes his entrance, coming down the stairs into the common room. He is of indeterminate gender, with pale skin, delicate features, and wild hair. He is dressed in an elaborate patterned kimono. When he passes any of the numerous hanging or potted plants in the room, they wax large, growing and blooming before your eyes, only to wither and die, and be replaced again. This cycle of life and death seems to him follow him wherever he moves.

"We owe you a debt of gratitude, for your return to us of our most valued courier Vaz. We will repay your kindness with a boon, suited to your needs. But we are also interested to hear about your exploits in the jungle, and your dealings with the one who is our rival. You said that you came seeking answers. We are willing to enlighten you. Then perhaps proposals can be discussed, since you seem to be a talented and enterprising party." At that he stops and waits for your questions.

Joshua Blackketter Aleksandr Revzin Eric Boyd Dave Sealy Chris P.


  1. I believe the consensus is "yes, leave the sapphire and Aisling, then go to the Man-Idols Place."

  2. "Zalvorex, do you keep a schedule in your peregrinations about the jungle? I'd not like to miss you and spend a fortnight bivouacking here waiting for your return."

  3. Aleksandr Revzin Eric Boyd  Zalvorex answers, "It is a byproduct of certain transformations we underwent long ago. The smoldering locusts mate in the bole of a great burned out tree that can be found in the NE part of the jungle in [directions that translate to hex 2209]."

    "Our schedule is irregular. But our mount requires great quantities of water at frequent intervals. We are rarely gone more than 1 or 2 days at the most from the emerald pools."


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