Wares of the Hanging Merchants [EDIT: AVAILABLE FOR 8/16 GAMe]

Wares of the Hanging Merchants [EDIT: AVAILABLE FOR 8/16 GAMe]

Weighted Boomerang 50 GP
On a hit this does 1d damage, but unlike other missile weapons, it immediately induces a fall check. If it misses roll 4d6 under DEX to catch it on the return.

Miasma Censor 75 GP
These censors hang around one's neck. When lit they burn an incense to keep at bay the miasma that plagues the highest level of the jungle. It grants a +5 saving throw to the wearer should the miasma roll in.

Harness System 200 GP per PC
This system allows individuals to clip on and off a shared rope. It allows one to repel as well. It has the mechanical effect that users have the status of being strongly secured for the purpose of falling checks (+2), but move as thought they were lightly secured (3 hexes per day).

Hanging Hammocks 100 GP
Allows one to sleep in comfort in the jungle without making a CON check. Takes two equipment slots.

Cage, Small 25 GP
A small birdcage.

Cage, Medium 50 GP
A cage large enough for a cat or large bird.

Cage, Large 75 GP
A wicker cage worn as a backpack large enough for a monkey. It precludes wearing a backpack, and counts as one item in addition for encumbrance, given its bulkiness.

Extendable Grabber/Slicer 50 GP
Allows the grabbing and slicing of things at a distance of 10'

Extendable Net 25GP
A fishing pole with a net on the end

Collapsible Spyglass 900 GP

Cat's Eye Fungus 125 GP per dose (none currently available)
Squeeze these sticky mushroom caps and they exude a purple jelly. When this is rubbed into the eye, it grants the wearer infravision for an hour.

Stench Rose 200 GP each (none currently available)
A small tin sphere with holes in it contains the red petals of the stench rose. The surface of this jungle flower is covered in oil that is flammable and produces a choking stench when ignited. In the wild, the petals of this plant respond to being jostled by heating up; the plant is immune to fire and the oil burns off. To use the sphere, one ignites the wick and tosses it. In one round it produces a 20' radius stench cloud no visibility and save vs. poison or retch for 1d4 rounds.

Purple Paralytic 400 GP (4 currently available)
This is a rough purple paste in a tube, the consistency of gritty toothpaste. It is the crushed of a paralytic coral that grows in glades in the lowest level of the jungle. When it comes into contact with the skin of a victim he must save vs. poison or go into uncontrollable muscle spasms for 1d6 rounds. Can be applied to missile weapons. (1 dose covers 4 arrows or one blade)

Blackseed Poison 150 GP per dose (none currently available)
These small black granules smell and taste of anise, providing an alluring seasoning for dishes savory or sweet. They are the seeds of a deadly plant that grows in the densest thickets of the jungle. Within 12 hours of consuming the poison, the seeds lodge themselves in the intestines. They bud rapidly, growing into thorny, writhing black stems. The victim must save vs. poison. If he succeeds, over an excruciating six hours he passes a mass of writhing shoots in his bloody stool (-4 to all rolls during this time). If he fails, the plants thrive within, providing an agonizing death as they burst through his abdomen.

Pod Stimulant 75 GP (6 doses available)
These red pods are parasite that infect vines deep within the jungle. When chewed like tobacco they induce an invigorating sensation. The user may ignore a penalty form poor sleep or pushing it for up to 4 hours. When it wears off, the original penalty plus any accumulated further penalties apply.

Three Perfumes 1250 GP (1 currently available)
Each of the three tiny vials contained in this elegant vessel holds 3 doses of an enchanted perfume. The first attracts insects in a 100' radius. The second repels insects in a 100' radius. The third renders the wearer invisible to insects for an hour. Each vial contains 3 doses.

Hunting Vole 250 GP (none currently available)
This writhing, eyeless beast scrambles at its cage bars with its many clawed-legs. When provided with a sample of a scent it will relentlessly track that scent through the jungle, scrambling over boughs and trunks, provided the bearer of the scent has passed by within 24 hours. It comes with a long leash. Because it must be caged and fed, it takes 2 equipment slots.

Messenger Wasp 175 GP (3 currently available)
This 8 inch long insect is covered in thick white fur that barely conceals a row of fluted apertures (mouths) along each side. The Messenger Wasp will mimic any sound it hears through its murmuring mouths, up to four sentences in length. A properly trained wasp can transport messages back to the last spot it was fed a certain food when you wave the food under its trembling antennae. (It can remember up to 6 different foods at a time.) Its small cage takes up 1 equipment slot.

Conflagration Orb 300 GP (4 available)
These white ceramic orbs contain an alchemical solution that bursts into flame when the orb is shattered. It affects twice as many targets (burst value 4) as a flask of oil. (We are now using Gus L 's rules for oil. I'll explain them in play)

Scaling Ichor 250 GP (3 doses available)
This tar-like amber ichor is extracted from fat white grubs that swarms through the brambles. When rubbed on the hands it grants a +1 to climb skill for 1 turn. During this time you also receive a -1 to attack rolls with weapons.

Fine Hand-axe 300GP (none available)
The wicked blade of this hand-axe is made of a metal with a faint blue tint. The haft is a smooth black wood. The weighted bottom has a silver cap bearing the image of an open eye. It is +1 to damage, but requires 30GP upkeep for each session it sees combat to retain that bonus.

Fine Stiletto 200 GP (none available)
This stiletto has a long thin blade. The pommel is a white stone inlaid with fine lapi lazuli in the shape of the constellation of the http://strumpet.It is +1 to damage, but requires 20GP upkeep for each session it sees combat to retain that bonus.

Fine Scimitar 3000 GP (1 available)
The sinuous blade is so polished it reflects like a mirror. The handguard is made of faceted crystal that sparkles in the light. It is +1 to damage, but requires 300GP upkeep for each session it sees combat to retain that bonus.

Cat Catcher's Helm 2000 GP (1 available)
Helm with switchable lenses for the eyes, and a filter at the mouth. +5 against miasma and other inhaled toxins, +5 against blindness. Somewhat unwieldy and hard to hear what other people are saying, -2 to hit with missile weapons, and twice as likely to be surprised.

Fine War Hammer 1500 GP (1 available)
The head of this metal war hammer is engraved with a green tusked ogre's face. It's bone handle is reinforced with bands of copper. It is lethally balanced and receives +1 to damage, but requires 150GP upkeep for each session it sees combat to retain that bonus.

Assassin's Jacket 750 GP (0 available)
This jaunty velvet jacket is full of surprises. It has four secret pockets, quickly accessible. It comes equipped with a spring system to deliver an unseen knife into the hands, and has a lock pick in the cuffs to counteract untimely shackling.

Grey Zazzle Powder (200 GP per dose, 0 doses available)
This grey shimmering powder, distilled from ground jawbones of gas leviathans that float around the lowest levels of the jungle, functions as a faerie fire spell in either a 10' radius if thrown, or a 20' cone if blown from a tube.

New Items

Espionage Parrot (400 GP, 1 available)
Beautiful white fuzzy crest, with a turquoise throat, and nails like opals. This trained bird repeats everything that has been said within its presence when the chosen command word is given. Otherwise just a dumb and vain bird

Cotton Barnacles (600 GP per dose, 2 doses available)
These barnacles are from the Windy Isles that hang deep into the Endless Azure Sea. They are the colors of the sky at dusk. Kept in a damp box with a sealed lid, they constantly produce a cloudy camouflage, like a subtle white floating cotton. When the box is opened this gauzy fog will billow out, filling a 50 cubit feet of space. Each dose (box) may only be used once before the Cotton Barnacles dry out.

FABULOUS Evening Wear (250 GP, 2 available)
The richest fabrics, in the most elegant style, that Zyan above has to offer. At high-society events in the waking world it adds 1 to your charisma.

Rainbowed Helm (3000 GP, 1 available)
This handsome helm looks exactly like those worn by the guards at the hanging pagodas, but is made of a metal with rainbow hues. When donned it causes the wearer to flicker occasionally, becoming transparent and muted in color. When the person wearing the Rainbowed Helm strikes or is struck in combat, roll 1d4: on a 1 no damage is dealt. This curious item was bartered to the hanging merchants by the Chittering Masons.


  1. I want a messenger wasp w/a small cage. If I buy two harnesses (one for Ernis and one for her assistant Mia), I only have a little pocket change left. I am down for that but don't want to miss some other major gear if anyone can think of anything.

  2. OK, Evlyn M let's say that the hanging merchants will give you 75 gp for it


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