
Showing posts from December, 2016


ACTIVITIES IN RASTINGDRUNG: 1.We approach Adrianna and inform her that Almuric has learned of our association with her and has threatened us to aid him in his desperate scrabbling to be the higher placed apprentice. We wish her advice. We're thinking he needs to be removed...permanently. (If other party members don't want me to speak for them, just say so). 2. Salinger wants to purchase a higher quality leather armor. I'll look up the price when I get home tonight.

Campaign news for 12/15

Campaign news for 12/15 Upon your arrival back to the Pagodas of the hanging merchants, you see that Ulram has expanded his operations considerably. He now stocks a larger selection of tradable goods for dealign with the jungle denizens, and has two pagodas for his jungle animals, one devoted solely to birds. From the bird pagoda, you hear a constant stream of birdsong and squawking. Malichar complains mightily about the noise. "In truth, we can expect no better from a member of the clan of gutter cleaners. He has risen above his station, and is clearly mad on power. I'm afraid this will continue indefinitely--until someone teaches him a lesson." Almost as soon as Malichar has finished this statement a guard from Nekalimon's pagoda enters his store looking for the party. "Someone," the guard shudders, "is here to speak with you. You should not keep him waiting," he adds ominously. He have a feeling that Ivar has finally come knocking. We will pick


PLAYING THE NUMINOUS GAME cole long As a pawn of Vulgatis in the Nouminal Game, Your way of communing with your new master is the following. When you develop a splitting headache, it is a sign that you are to spill your blood into a copper bowl. There commands will form in scabrous writing. As a gift from Vulgatis, Valse can choose one of the following first level vivimancer spells to have as a power once per day. It is not memorized, and does not count against your spell totals, etc. You can only pick one. Once you have proven your value, further abilities will come (at higher levels). I'll probably come up with a chart eventually. Choose a Gift of Vulgatis: Blood Rupture, Bonewarp, Elasticity, Flesh Shape, Meld Flesh, Natural Weaponry, or Skin Transformation Spells can be found here:

Session 23 & 24 The Take (only, recap later)

Session 23 & 24 The Take (only, recap later) Creatures Slain: 6 Manifestations of the Blooming Infestation: 250 XP 1 Demon of Kolail: 800 XP 3 Demons of Haldicar: 600 XP 12 singing heads in a demonic choir: Priceless Silver Statue of Nulfex: 500 GP 3 Strangely alien Gems from the Altar of Malprion: (1) A fleshy orange red, like a mutating wound 2000 GP (2) Red on pink, like blood on fat 1250 GP (3) Sickly green, like a replicating virus 1000 GP 1 Continual light lantern 2 wineskins of essence of the demon of Kolail 1 flask of the blood of Haldicar XP totals (this got a little complicated, given 2 half share XP retainers and that not everyone played in both sessions. So I broke it down): Valse, Dozar, Cletus, Salinger: 1000 Failure, Sir Treskin: 620 GP total per player: 679 Chris P. Aleksandr Revzin Zak Sabbath Eric Boyd Joshua Blackketter cole long I

Whenever it's next possible and convenient in our adventuring Salinger wants to return to Rastingdrung to purchase...

Whenever it's next possible and convenient in our adventuring Salinger wants to return to Rastingdrung to purchase fine armor, see if the Chatelaine's apprentice can make anything out of the demon brain fluid, and plunk down gold to carouse.

The Sunken Circle, The Temple of The Archons

The Sunken Circle, The Temple of The Archons Steps lead down from each of the five shrines into the now flooded sunken area at the center of the Temple of Archons. Along the wall of the depression at shoulder height, an inscription is carved, “It Belongs Not to the Pawn to Question the Intention of the Hand That Moves It”. The bulk of the sunken area is taken up by a single immense block of red stone that has been carved into a wondrous model of a city. It rises above the stagnant water at its base. When one descends the stairs, the model lights up, illuminated by the same light that currently falls on Zyan above. In the daylight the streets are lit by the mottled light of dappled clouds or the orange of dawn, at night by silver light of the moon and phantasmagorical pools that accumulate below the city's dangling colored lanterns. The model rises to shoulder height at its highest, and waist height at its lowest. It is stylized, with some buildings and locations of outsized proport

The True Temple of Vulgatis

The True Temple of Vulgatis

The Temple of the Archons: Current Map (the last pic wasn't showing the lines)

The Temple of the Archons: Current Map (the last pic wasn't showing the lines)