Campaign news for 12/15

Campaign news for 12/15

Upon your arrival back to the Pagodas of the hanging merchants, you see that Ulram has expanded his operations considerably. He now stocks a larger selection of tradable goods for dealign with the jungle denizens, and has two pagodas for his jungle animals, one devoted solely to birds. From the bird pagoda, you hear a constant stream of birdsong and squawking. Malichar complains mightily about the noise. "In truth, we can expect no better from a member of the clan of gutter cleaners. He has risen above his station, and is clearly mad on power. I'm afraid this will continue indefinitely--until someone teaches him a lesson."

Almost as soon as Malichar has finished this statement a guard from Nekalimon's pagoda enters his store looking for the party. "Someone," the guard shudders, "is here to speak with you. You should not keep him waiting," he adds ominously. He have a feeling that Ivar has finally come knocking.

We will pick up at that very moment. But you also must decide where to go after that.

If others want to go to Rastingdrung, let's assume we will do things in this order: (1) Ivar, (2) Rastingdrung, (3) wherever else you want to go. And we'll just see how far we get. I won't do anything in Rastingdrung that could be handled just as well in a downtime thread. So you can discuss here what you say to Ivar, whether you want to go to Rastingdrung, and where else you want to go. I've posted the hooks below.

(1) Aleksandr Revzin  has proposed a trip up to Rastingdrung, where you are waiting on the child witch Adrianna to deliver four more potions of oneiric translocation. (I think you already have 2?) You also have a pending payment of 1000 GP for each darkness insect that developed from the four eggs you sold to Almurek, the beast wizard. (This could be combined with another hook, time permitting. So if you choose do do this, also pick something else as well.)

(2) The Temple of the Archons: What other portals to beyond might wait to be opened?

(3) The House of Man Idols: this ruined hanging temple remains unexplored after last session. The party has learned that it is currently the lair of the Lamia Subati.

(4) The Valley of the Flowers: Zalvorex has offered the party 1000 GP for intelligence about the current state of the valley. He is offering 3000 GP for the twilight condenser. Bazekop also seems to be interested in this item.

(5) The Summer Palace: The party has finally uncovered the location of the legendary palace of the Incandescent Kings. It is in hex 2612 of level 3 far to the east. For the information you received about the Summer Palace from the chittering masons who built it, see the comments to this thread

(6) Hexploration: The party has uncovered numerous oddities in the jungle. In level 1 this includes the unexplored tunnel to the caves in 1709. In level 2 this includes the shimmering portal in 1411, the mushroom growths in 1812, and Lake Yannu in hex 2012.

(7) The Sewers: There are several other half-explored dungeons here, and unexplored regions as well.

Here are the hirelings available, once again:

Cavimesh F1 HP7 AC6 (Splint) MR9 Climb2 Longbow 1d8 Shortsword 1d6 ½ share XP and Treasure
He wears a grinning mask with a protruding tongue. He belongs to the imperfect Clan of the Grape Stompers. His demeanor is jolly. He says that he has come to the jungle because he exhausted his career prospects in Zyan above.

Marulu F0 HP4 AC9 MR8 Climb1 100GP. He wears a grimacing mask with sweat dripping from its creased brow. He belongs to the contemptible Clan of the Porters. He appears to be a simpleton. He says in simple language that he has come to the jungle accompanying Marulu—who constantly jests at his expense.

Epathinor F2 HP12 AC4 (Chain + Shield) Glaive 1d12+1 Shortwsword 1d6+1 Climb 1 MR10 full share XP and treasure. He is tall and wears the leonine mask of the Guild of Explorers. He says that he has come to the jungle because the Sibilant Maiden appeared to him in a dream.

Joshua Blackketter Aleksandr Revzin Eric Boyd Chris P.


  1. Chris P. You have time to heal Marulu, Cavamesh, and Selwin. Selwin is in the worse shape of all, having saved vs. death at -3 hp (the uttermost) after being drained of almost all his blood by a demon of Haldicar. You restore him to health.

    Selwin is particularly grateful. He was shaken by the experience in the True Temple of Vulgatis and is longing to see home. He tells you that with his previous funds, he had rented a garret over a bakery, a cozy place smelling of fresh-baked loaves. He tells you it is the first place he remembers ever having a bed to sleep in. In this moment of vulnerability, you can see the misery of his youth reflected in his eyes.

    Ulram shows you your hunting vole, happy and contented, and shows you his expanded inventory. Most of the cages are still empty, but he expects traffic to pick up soon now that he has stocked some proper supplies to attract the jungle denizens. He takes your money--which he promises to return--to make some modest alterations to reduce the sound. He tells you that he is expecting trouble, and appreciates the modicum of protection your group is providing him.

  2. To reinforce that i'll teach Ulram a few commands for Jabber, who i've been leaving behind at his pagoda when we go spelunking the White Jungle.

    More importantly, I have a feeling that Ivar won't like whatever we have to say, unless we lie effectively to stall for more time. In that case, if we become enemies an ambush to prevent him from getting back to Bazekop might be in order. I don't want to disturb the peace of the Pagodas, so outside the area might work. It's possible he has a method of travel that would forestall an attack, anyway.

  3. Aleksandr Revzin Ulram and Jabber get along very well. He has a way with animals, and Jabber responds to his commands when you teach him.


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