
Showing posts from January, 2017
All the great work you put in this game literally has me intimidated to play. It's fantastic, Ben L.​

Here is the current hexmap of Level 2 (The Depths).

Here is the current hexmap of Level 2 (The Depths). The game is paused in hex 2511 at the Gauntlet of the Panther Priests--2 hex moves from the Summer Palace! As Eric Boyd pointed out below, the party has been trying to get there, on and off, for the past 23 sessions!

Campaign News 1/26

Campaign News 1/26 Preparations continue apace for the approaching Festival of the Sybarites, which is now six weeks away. Entertainers have begun to arrive in Rastingdrung, the usual mix of acrobats, mountebanks, jongleurs and minstrels. Word has leaked from workmen that the Chatelaine is constructing an obstacle course replete with sharp blades, spikes, and broken glass. The palace has also put out a call to the slavers of Ruined Ghinor to procure blind slaves in great quantities. Together, these rumors perhaps give a clue about the entertainments she will be providing to her noble guests. Some of these guests have begun to tickle in to Rastingdrung. The most remarkable so far has been the Lord Kex of Viridistan, who arrived with is honor guard in a silk palanquin atop a white elephant. His greenish skin and braided black beard were glimpsed briefly as he was conducted to private bathes in the Temple of Ulim. This event is extremely rare, since there is little reason for dignitaries

Unfortunately, I can't do a game this Thursday.

Unfortunately, I can't do a game this Thursday. I will certainly be running a game next Thursday 1/26. I will post campaign news and hooks closer to the event. I'm very curious to see where the party is headed next.
Special rules for adventurers who travel to Zyan from Earth, using opium delirium, or hashish dreams

Session 27: Recap and the Take

Session 27: Recap and the Take The last three sessions saw a return to old locales and earlier foes. Within the Temple of the Archons, they opened a portal in the shrine to Azmarane, Spinner of the Skeins of Fate. This took the party to an altar deep in the lair of the Weaver of Shadows, a bulbous spiderlike entity that inhabits the chasm in the Ruins of the Inquisitor’s Theater—the very first dungeon of the campaign. This being had the power to manipulate planar “webs”, potent magical artifacts, to produce potentially endless streams of murderous shadow puppets. It had defeated the party much earlier in the campaign. The new angle provided by the portal gave them the jump on the thing, putting them in close proximity with it in its lair, largely negating its power to hover back and release hordes of shadow puppets to do its fighting for it. They slew the thing, and then spent two sessions hauling out the two planar webs with the help of mules, huge items of potent magic. They had to l

Session 26: The Take

Session 26: The Take 6 white swine slain: 60 XP Two silver faucets: 50 GP One butchered white swine at inflated prices: 750 GP Demon fluid: TBD Small web: TBD XP per player: 144 GP per player: 133 Gus L Aleksandr Revzin Eric Boyd Chris P. cole long  FYI: here's what Adrianna tells you about Almuric, should you be planning anything tactical now or in the future. "The bulk of Almurek's power flows from two sources. The first are his cages. They are magical in nature. They cannot be penetrated by ordinary means. Almurek has developed spells by which he may either summon beasts from the cages or banish them there. His control over summoned (or other) beasts flows from the second source of his power. This is his ring, a potent artifact called the Skarlach. With it, he is able to speak to beasts and command them. It may have other powers as well. He is also an accomplished magician, although not of astounding capability. He will have various spells at the ready. Almurek is also

This is now canon.

This is now canon. You can assume your characters know all of this, as a result of talking to Ulantanu or the hanging merchants about the model of Zyan above in the Temple of the Archons.

Campaign News 1/5

Campaign News 1/5 Some news from Rastingdrung, for a change. With only seven weeks until the Festival of the Sybarites, preparations are in full swing. Craftsman and merchants pour in from the corners of Ruined Ghinor, selling their decorations and wares, and constructing stages and festival booths. The Scarlet Censors have put themselves on a strict diet, and can be seen red-faced and huffing, training for their run of shame in a special track in the hills above Rastingdrung. While the carvers are busy producing their icons of the saints for the Parade of the Blasphemers, the miners and fishers have begun their work on their irreverent puppets. A huge hook-nosed and pinch-faced paper mache version of Valmoreaux, Captain of the Storm Riders, has been glimpsed in a barn in the outer city. The Chatelaine’s High Chef Giacarno is preparing the menu for the special dinner for the Chatelaine and her guests. After a long string of failures and executions, Giacarno survived the last festival w


Session 25: The Take Four Iridescent Slugs 100 XP The Weaver of Shadows 900 XP Fine Antique Helm 200 GP Jeweled Dagger 500 GP Silver Medallion of a Blowing Grotesque Face 250 GP Three electrum rings 450 GP One 120' Diameter Shadow Web (1600 lbs., very, very bulky) (GP/XP TBD) One 70' Diameter Shadow Web (530 lbs, very, very bulky) (GP/XP TBD) 600 XP per player (so far) 350 GP per player (so far) Note: the upper shadow web is at the bottom of the chasm in the southern portion of the Ruins of the Inquisitors Guild. The lower web is down a sheer drop 400' from the altar to the Shadow Weaver. Below the lower web 75', the hole turns so that it is sloped, rather than sheer drop. This sloping passageway ultimately opens into somewhere in Level 2 of the White Jungle. If you like, you can discuss here strategies for Shadow Web removal. Eric Boyd Joshua Blackketter Aleksandr Revzin Chris P.