Campaign News 1/26

Campaign News 1/26

Preparations continue apace for the approaching Festival of the Sybarites, which is now six weeks away. Entertainers have begun to arrive in Rastingdrung, the usual mix of acrobats, mountebanks, jongleurs and minstrels. Word has leaked from workmen that the Chatelaine is constructing an obstacle course replete with sharp blades, spikes, and broken glass. The palace has also put out a call to the slavers of Ruined Ghinor to procure blind slaves in great quantities. Together, these rumors perhaps give a clue about the entertainments she will be providing to her noble guests.

Some of these guests have begun to tickle in to Rastingdrung. The most remarkable so far has been the Lord Kex of Viridistan, who arrived with is honor guard in a silk palanquin atop a white elephant. His greenish skin and braided black beard were glimpsed briefly as he was conducted to private bathes in the Temple of Ulim. This event is extremely rare, since there is little reason for dignitaries from the bastion of civilization to make their way to the hinterlands of Ghinor.

This influx of foreigners has produced the usual paranoid reactions from the authorities. The Scarlet Censors are conducting an unusual number of raids. Your favorite inn, the Mercury Whistle, has been shut down, and its bald owner Ludlow has been taking to the White Halls for questioning. You escape inconvenient inspections narrowly yourself on several occasions.

Outstanding Hooks:

(1) Aleksandr Revzin has proposed a trip down the chasm to see where the hole on the bottom empties into the White Jungle.

(2) The Temple of the Archons: What other portals to beyond might wait to be opened?

(3) The House of Man Idols: this ruined hanging temple remains unexplored, since the party has tried to bring the Lamia into conflict with the minions of Bazekop.

(4) The Valley of the Flowers: Zalvorex has offered the party 1000 GP for intelligence about the current state of the valley. He is offering 3000 GP for the twilight condenser. Bazekop also seems to be interested in this item.

(5) The Summer Palace: The party has finally uncovered the location of the legendary palace of the Incandescent Kings. It is in hex 2612 of level 3 far to the east. For the information you received about the Summer Palace from the chittering masons who built it, see the comments to this thread

(6) Hexploration: The party has uncovered numerous oddities in the jungle. In level 1 this includes the unexplored tunnel to the caves in 1709. In level 2 this includes the shimmering portal in 1411, the mushroom growths in 1812, and Lake Yannu in hex 2012.

Chris P. Eric Boyd Joshua Blackketter Gus L Aleksandr Revzin


  1. ASIDE: Just how fancy is a standard list-price miasma censer from the pagodas?

  2. Everything from there is pretty nice.

  3. Dozar has that censer in inventory, so he'll pass that along as a gift for Kex.


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