Campaign News 1/5

Campaign News 1/5

Some news from Rastingdrung, for a change.

With only seven weeks until the Festival of the Sybarites, preparations are in full swing. Craftsman and merchants pour in from the corners of Ruined Ghinor, selling their decorations and wares, and constructing stages and festival booths. The Scarlet Censors have put themselves on a strict diet, and can be seen red-faced and huffing, training for their run of shame in a special track in the hills above Rastingdrung. While the carvers are busy producing their icons of the saints for the Parade of the Blasphemers, the miners and fishers have begun their work on their irreverent puppets. A huge hook-nosed and pinch-faced paper mache version of Valmoreaux, Captain of the Storm Riders, has been glimpsed in a barn in the outer city.

The Chatelaine’s High Chef Giacarno is preparing the menu for the special dinner for the Chatelaine and her guests. After a long string of failures and executions, Giacarno survived the last festival with his innovative menu involving the complex flavors of unicorn roast seasoned with salt distilled from pixie tears. Needless to say, he is eager to avoid the White Halls of the Scarlet Censors yet again. Although the menu has been provisionally fixed, his meat procurer, one Vassimo Cox, is said to be looking for rare and new meats to astound the senses. He will pay 25 GP per pound for fresh animal corpses of rare variety to be salted or pickled, and 50 GP per pound for living specimens that might be held and slaughtered near feast time. He will pay only for meat that is edible and pleasing, or of remarkable appearance.

The Chatelaine’s apprentices secretly and feverishly prepare, knowing that their order for the year turns on their performance at the Trial of the Apprentices. All seek magical objects of rare wonder, as well as intelligence about their rivals. Almurek, master of beasts, has been boastful and seems strangely at ease about the upcoming contest. Bathsheba is in a state of desperation as her claimed spirit guide Zashtassa has not manifested for months. Strange and unwholesome fumes have recently been escaping from Spaldiv’s lair near the palace crypts, while the lamentations of Valoris’ fairies have been so loud as to be heard even from the tiny lone window of his high tower.

Eric Boyd Joshua Blackketter Aleksandr Revzin Chris P. Zak Sabbath cole long Gus L


  1. Can Adriana curse the pig-dogs to shout out the vilest accusations and calumnies against the Chatelaine whenever more than a thousand and one eyes are looking at them?


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