Here is the current map of the gardens of the Summer Palace.

Here is the current map of the gardens of the Summer Palace. Last session the party explored the wooded area in the center of the gardens that connect the two wings. In no particular order, here are some things they uncovered: 1. A pond filled with lily pads. In the central, a massive, closed flower structure sits on a giant lily pad. On the shore, there is a strange bush with large pods that dangle into the water. At the ponds edge, the water has overlflowed given the tilt of the gardens, creating a marshy area of tall grasses to the upper left. The party was generally freaked out by this area and didn't explore. 2. Shirishanu's grove. This was the area represented in the mural in the Cenotaph of Lady Shirishanu. It contained, among other things, a bejeweled fountain, a strange cosmic tree, and the shade of Lathanon, last of the Incandescent Kings. He said a number of things, but seemed generally distracted, appearing in martial form (accompanied by three knights) when the par...