Campaign news for 2/2:

Campaign news for 2/2:

The party spends the night at the village of the Panther Priests. They respect your daring (mad?) intention to seek the Summer Palace, and are hopeful that if you survive, you will return to run their Gauntlet in the belly of the God Who Died.

You are served a meal of roasted jungle meats, garnished with succulent, colorful fruits. The slaves serve the food to the other villagers who recline on woven matts. Among the masters, the five panther priests are identifiable by their regalia--fetishes, jewelry, and headdresses. They are shown deference by all.

When the meal is concluded, and Salinger offers to perform, drums are immediately produced. At Balkata's orders a sweet fermented liquor is passed around in hollowed gourds. The matts are cleared from the center of the feasting area. The slaves sit further back, climbing on tree limbs so they may see over the heads of the villagers. The ridiculous turban of Regimund Cruft can be seen bobbing up and down among the trees as he shares a drink with Unasi, the slave who first led you to the village.

To wild drumbeats, Salinger begins his entrancing acrobatic dance. The first piece is tragic in tone. He plays a regal figure who cannot recognize the reality of the servants who make his life possible. The meaning is not lost on the villagers. The slaves are transfixed, and Cruft sees Unasi brush back bitter tears. The masters are increasingly uncomfortable as the mirror of art is held before them.

Sensing the emotions evoked in the crowd, Salinger quickly segues to a second piece. This is an exciting, comical diversion about the assault on the lair of the Hybubs. The aping of the movements of the mole rats evokes great laughter, apparently smoothing over for the moment the diverging sentiments stirred up by the previous pieces.

Late in then night, Unasi awakens Cruft from his drunken slumber and tells him that since he has seen the performance, he can no longer remain a slave in the village. He believes that his fate lies with the party, and offers to accompany them to the Summer Palace. He is a 1st level fighter. He also says that he has received "training in the ways of the Panther Priests". You're not sure what that means. He receives a 1/2 share of experience, but has no desire for material wealth. Below is a picture of Unasi.

Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Chris P. Joshua Blackketter Gus L


  1. Okay good luck - Cruft appears to have sobered up and disappeared - as in I'm not going to be able to play this week.

  2. Yes, if Unasi can escape on his own and join up with us later, that would be best.


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