Campaign News for Session 32 (3/9)

Campaign News for Session 32 (3/9)

The party retreats to Shirishanu's grove, bearing the mangled corpse of the wizard Titus. After a burial in the woods, and a few pious and solemn words from Cletus, the party makes camp in Shirishanu's grove. The party lights a fire and cooks a fine meal of flying airracuda near the dangling boughs of the cosmic willow.

The grove is tranquil, unearthly and melancholy in its beauty. The quiet sounds of the opulent fountain bubbling in the dusk of twilight lulls the party to sleep by the embers of the fire. As the moon rises, the grove is bathed in dappled moonlight. The watch is an eerie one, with Lathanon's shade appearing, now weeping, now wandering distractedly through moonlit pools, now right by the watchers side, sometimes speaking, sometimes silent.

In the small hours just before the party awakes, the last watcher has a wondrous experience. An animal the size of a horse, but longer, moves into the grove. It's hide is a shiny carapace, almost iridescent green, from which spill fur, a rich and lustrous white. It has many legs and a vaguely equine head with the faceted eyes of an insect. From its brow sprouts a single glorious horn, long and twisting. Appearing on the threshold of dawn, it is noble and majestic. When it scents the watcher it freezes. For a long time, he does not dare to move, but when he does, the beast bolts at an incredible speed, its many legs carrying into the woods.

At dawn the party is joined by Valse, Satareh, and Anthony Huso's yet to be named character, accompanied by droll Cavimesh and silent, drooling Marulu. From the pagodas this group followed a star, a beacon of light, warm and reassuring, that beckoned them into the jungle. It led them here, as they knew in their hearts it would.

Eric Boyd Joshua Blackketter Aleksandr Revzin Anthony Huso Cédric Plante Chris P. (maybe) cole long (maybe)


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