Session Follow Up

Session Follow Up

Having slain the strange creature inhabiting the husk of Cavimesh, and driven off (so you think) Marulu, the party proceeds down to the lower level. The spilled oil has set the long, grand carpet below on fire, the tongues of flame spoiling it, and filling the chapel with think smoke. (I gave the fire a 2 in 6 chance of spreading to the pews and beyond, but it didn't.)

Making your way down by rope affixed to the bannister this is what you find on the lower level of the chapel. The southern area behind the wooden screen is a shrine dedicated to the Five (archons) and their Numinous Game. They are each represented by a fine marble statue, heavy to move. The statues differ in appearance from those in the Temple of the Archons, but they are still recognizable to you. The pentagon before them consists of mosaic. It is clearly a stylized map of Zyan above (the city).

Other than the enormous stained glass, the only item on the stage is a massive wooden throne carved of some white wood, once finely painted, now peeling. At the top of the headrest, there is a blazing sun, with long rosy rays. The base of the throne is carved to look like a great faceless lion on whose back the monarch sits, as though on a palanquin. The strange, blank head of the beast gazes out from between the sitter's legs. You guess that the thing probably weighs. 500 Lbs

The room behind the northern screen is a shrine to the line of the Incandescent kings. Over the wooden arch leading into the area is inscribed, "The Flame of the Line Burns So Bright, All That is Hidden is Revealed." Within, there is a large marble statue of Athumas, the first of the Incandescent Kings, now depicted carrying a long runic blade made of a purple porphyry. The statue is inscribed "Uniter of the Twin Crowns, Seed of Greatness". There are shrines to three other sires of the line: Agamara, the Effulgent "Whose Splendid Deliberation Flew on Wings of Thought", Melocthes the Wanderer, "Who United Zyan Above with Zyan Below", and Evandulos the Architect, "Whose Every Plan was for the Glory of Immortal Zyan"

Next to the entrance of the shrine to the line of the Incandescent Kings, beneath the overhanging balcony, is a fine, 12' tall cabinet, 4' wide by 4' deep. It's top is carved to look like the rock of zyan, with jungle trees descending down. There are four foot tall double doors starting about 6' down from the top, where the painted jungle gets thin and bright. Below the tops of the trees, flying kestrels swirl around a golden crown that shines resplendently from the middle of the double cabinet doors. The floor is inlaid with a border of aquamarine tile in a 5' ring around the cabinet.

When the party approaches the cabinet, crossing the ring of aquamarine tiles, an ethereal song, like the voices of alien angels across nighted gulfs of space, blazes forth from the cabinet. You find that while the song sounds you cannot approach the cabinet, as thought the strange music were itself a barrier that held you back.

Cédric Plante Eric Boyd Joshua Blackketter Aleksandr Revzin cole long Chris P.


  1. Ben L. does any of the songs match anything from the artsy magic book?

  2. (Or for that matter, that I heard from Ulutanu?)

  3. Aleksandr Revzin The tiles have no mortar. They are set directly into this strange smooth polished concrete-like surface. If you want, you can try to break through that.

    Chris P. Something does ring a bell. You know that the beloved of the Sibillant Maiden are taught by their mistress unearthly songs that are able to produce powerful effects.

    Sorry for the slow reply. I got bogged down with real life dross.


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