DEATH AND DYING [Note: these rules supersede the old death and dying rules.] When your character falls to 0 HP or below up to -3, you must roll a special saving throw vs. death. (This is not the same as the saving throw for poison and death.) The saving throw is set initially for all characters at 10 or higher on 1d20. Every time the save is successfully made, however, the target number of the save goes up one. (Unasi and Dozar both have scores of 11 currently.) This is the one save that cannot be modified, including by the aura given off by paladins. It is always a straight roll without modifiers. Failure of this save indicates death. If you are at 0, Success indicates that you are merely unconscious. You will recover in 1 turn, returning to 1 HP. If you are -1 to -3, Success indicates that you are dying, but not yet dead. If healing magic, or some other healing ability, is applied to you with 3 rounds, you will live. No matter how healed you are by magic, you are, however, shaken and...