
Showing posts from May, 2017


DEATH AND DYING [Note: these rules supersede the old death and dying rules.] When your character falls to 0 HP or below up to -3, you must roll a special saving throw vs. death. (This is not the same as the saving throw for poison and death.) The saving throw is set initially for all characters at 10 or higher on 1d20. Every time the save is successfully made, however, the target number of the save goes up one. (Unasi and Dozar both have scores of 11 currently.) This is the one save that cannot be modified, including by the aura given off by paladins. It is always a straight roll without modifiers. Failure of this save indicates death. If you are at 0, Success indicates that you are merely unconscious. You will recover in 1 turn, returning to 1 HP. If you are -1 to -3, Success indicates that you are dying, but not yet dead. If healing magic, or some other healing ability, is applied to you with 3 rounds, you will live. No matter how healed you are by magic, you are, however, shaken and

Downtime Thread

Downtime Thread The party is now in possession of three entities. First, the bound white hound is now securely chained at your campsite. He strains to free himself from his bonds unsuccessfully. This struggle ceases when Lathanon's shade appears. Kneeling by his side the hound licks the dead king's face eagerly. The shade says, "Immortal Hector, where are your brothers and sisters now? Have you lost them? Do you remember how we hunted stags through the jungle, you always at my side, leading the pack on your winged feet? Oh, those days are gone now, and you and I creatures of another time." When Lathanon vanishes suddenly the hound lets out a sorrowful howl and drops in resignation, watching you now quietly with his piercing blue eyes. Hector HD3+3 (24) AC4 MV18 MR10 Fall8 Att: Bite 1d6+1 Second, the green monkey sits in his cage with a sour look on his old man's face, hurling feces now that his daily allotment of curses have been exhausted. He is aided in his ag

Sesion 39 Recap and Take

Sesion 39 Recap and Take This session saw the party return to the eastern portion of the first level of the South Wing. Two sessions ago the party tangled with a host of invisible, flying masseurs. They seemed capricious, malicious, and quite possibly driven mad by their long captivity. The party had promised to return and free them at a later time. They began the session by attempting to fulfill this promise. This proved pretty hairy, as they were jostled from all sides by shoving invisible hands. Just as poltergeist like activity threatened immediate violence with a huge flying chandelier headed their way, Dozar succeeded in dispelling the bonds of a number of the enslaved masseurs who were delighted, and fled immediately with shouts and cheers. (The party was able to wring some more information from their go-between before he fled with the others.) The ones who remained begged and pleaded to be freed as well, and ultimately became violent until the boom of the houri Satareh's fo



The last three sessions saw the party returning to the Summer Palace.

The last three sessions saw the party returning to the Summer Palace. Rather than try to enter the third floor from the roof, they opted to explore the eastern portion of the first floor of the southern wing. The party discovered some wonders there, including a plant that produced faces, and several potential treasures including a precious flagstone and a grand chandelier. However, they were beset by malicious, invisible, flying creatures. Rather than tangle with them further or try to haul all the treasures they had spotted out thus far, the party opted to follow the lead of a scrawled map they discovered six (?) sessions ago. Following stairs down to a lower level beneath the Southern Wing, they were led to a room engraved with magical circles. They found that those wearing the robes with the royal insignia could trigger the circles. Using their two robes, they teleported into what they surmised was an upper floor of the queen’s tower. They discovered a nice haul there, dispatching a



Here's the current map.

Here's the current map. Last session the party returned to the South Wing of the Summer Palace and started to explore the eastern portion of the first level. They discovered some loot in the form of cosmetics, mirrors, chandeliers, and a large quartz flagstone. They also were murderously assaulted by some invisible entities. Since when Cletus turned them they began screaming, "Oh No! Please, not the power of the gods!" and ceased their mischievous assault, the party inferred that they are probably spirits of some kind. Towards the very end, the party discovered a strange plant-like apparatus that grew more handsome and fresh versions of the faces inserted into its mask. Salinger is currently wearing one such face, complete with a fake right eye.