Downtime Thread

Downtime Thread

The party is now in possession of three entities.

First, the bound white hound is now securely chained at your campsite. He strains to free himself from his bonds unsuccessfully. This struggle ceases when Lathanon's shade appears. Kneeling by his side the hound licks the dead king's face eagerly. The shade says, "Immortal Hector, where are your brothers and sisters now? Have you lost them? Do you remember how we hunted stags through the jungle, you always at my side, leading the pack on your winged feet? Oh, those days are gone now, and you and I creatures of another time." When Lathanon vanishes suddenly the hound lets out a sorrowful howl and drops in resignation, watching you now quietly with his piercing blue eyes.
Hector HD3+3 (24) AC4 MV18 MR10 Fall8 Att: Bite 1d6+1

Second, the green monkey sits in his cage with a sour look on his old man's face, hurling feces now that his daily allotment of curses have been exhausted. He is aided in his aggravating past-time by an incursion of his fellows, who come slinging an array of trying curses, clumsiness, blindness, and deafness, before they are beaten back. The party spends the better part of the day hiding the loot in the underbrush, hampered greatly by these obstacles.

Third, the invisible masseur who has volunteered to follow Satareh's divine form flits around, following Satareh's commands in a careless and distracted manner. His name is difficult to understand, AVMJITHYXUMOOL is what you think you're hearing. The masseurs are fickle, not very smart, and partially insane from their prolonged captivity. Taking orders is not, currently, their strong suit. He will provide endless massages at Satareh's commands. To execute any other order, AVMJITHYXUMOOL must make a morale check (2d6=or under) adding Satareh's charisma modifier to his base morale. On a failed roll he is unavailable for further orders for 1d4 rounds. On a 12 he does something stupid and reckless. For each session after the first, to see whether AVMJITHYXUMOOL stays in Satareh's service, she must roll under her charisma. Session 2: 3d6, Session 3: 4d6, Session 4 and following: 5d6.
AVMJITHYXUMOOL: HD2 (9) AC3/7 (if visible) Att: by weapon MV12 Fly MR6.

Please inform me if there is anything you wish to do with your captives before next session.

Eric Boyd Chris P. Aleksandr Revzin Cédric Plante


  1. In his right hand will be the Petal Blade and in his left the evil Screaming Chimp Dagger of +3 Backstabbing. In between will be Salinger, he of Neutral alignment. There's a poetic symmetry to it.

  2. I will maybe be in tonight if there's room.


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