Sesion 39 Recap and Take

Sesion 39 Recap and Take

This session saw the party return to the eastern portion of the first level of the South Wing. Two sessions ago the party tangled with a host of invisible, flying masseurs. They seemed capricious, malicious, and quite possibly driven mad by their long captivity. The party had promised to return and free them at a later time. They began the session by attempting to fulfill this promise. This proved pretty hairy, as they were jostled from all sides by shoving invisible hands. Just as poltergeist like activity threatened immediate violence with a huge flying chandelier headed their way, Dozar succeeded in dispelling the bonds of a number of the enslaved masseurs who were delighted, and fled immediately with shouts and cheers. (The party was able to wring some more information from their go-between before he fled with the others.) The ones who remained begged and pleaded to be freed as well, and ultimately became violent until the boom of the houri Satareh's force bow scattered them.

They first got fresh faces from the face producing plant in the ladies showers for the entire party, except Unasi who remarked on the vanities of man. The party then turned their attention to breaking down one of the doors that the freed masseurs informed them led to the Queen's dressing room. The loud chopping on the door drew some curious denizens of the Summer Palace. They were five hunting hounds, of noble form. Their lean muscles taut beneath perfect white hair, setting off to eerie effect eyes pure blue with no whites. Seeing the party, they froze and let out a strange and haunting bey. Dozar attempted to command them to heel with his booming voice, but the hounds pounced to attack. (I rolled a 12 on the reaction check!) The party was immediately beset by the hounds in what proved to be a deadly melee that veered close to a total party kill. Unasi just made a saving throw vs. death, and Cletus, Dozar and Salinger were all roughly one round from dying. However the party prevailed against four of the five hounds, butchering their bodies, which even as they bled did not mar the uncanny whiteness of their fur. One hound remained unharmed and still deadly, ready to fight to death (many, many morale checks were made and passed) but Dozar cast command and ordered him to heel once again, this time with success. The party bound the noble hound and secured him.

They then finished hacking down the door and entered the Queen's opulent dressing room. Within they found a fine but faded carpet, a once beautiful divans. There was a tub in the shape of a faceless lion of the white jungle, with a shower bulb. They found a cabinet full of cosmetics, including two enchanted perfumes, one that had the earthy smell of a mysterious moonlit rendezvous between lovers, and another more conventional in its odor with a sinister hint of something caustic to it. Salinger sprayed the alluring perfume on himself and on Satareh. At this point, from her newly fresh face, and the enchantment perfume, Satareh's combined charisma was a godlike 21. Beneath a divan, the party made a darker discovery, finding a coffin like cage with a neck restraint and built in gag.

The party decided in the final moments of the session to free the remaining masseurs, since Cletus had joined the party late, and had a dispel magic memorized. They forced the masseurs to pile up and bring them the remaining treasure from this area, and made them promise to transport it back to the grove before departing. The spell worked and they were freed. After transporting the goods back to the grove for them, the party arrive at Shirishanu's grove. Before the invisible masseurs departed Satareh stepped forward and addressed them, offering them the opportunity to remain and serve her glorious personage. The power of Ulim was with her: one of the invisible masseurs was moved by her eloquent speech and divine form, and for the moment is bound to her service.

I will start a downtime thread tonight or tomorrow about your new captives and servants.

Five noble white hounds slain or subdued 375 XP
Intact grand chandelier 1000
Sash sewn with pearls 200
Various cosmetics 300
12 Lavendar bars 300
Gilded Monkey cage 150
Rosquartz flagstone 1500
1 alluring enchanted perfume (1 dose) 200
1 ominous enchanted perfume (3 doses) 300

XP per player 865
XP for Unasi 432 (1890 total)
XP for Holsus 432 (893 total)

Chris P. Aleksandr Revzin Eric Boyd Cédric Plante (also Anthony Huso probably interested)


  1. Ben L. did you ever have a ruling on Eric Boyd's deity and animating the dead?

  2. No Chris P. I'm going to write up a downtime thread tomorrow where I address this, among other things. Thanks for the reminder

  3. Ben L. No worries, glad to be of assistance. Also something to include: the basis behind the decision and what it applies to, since what the proposed action is (animating dead animals) is different from what is usually thought of when animating the dead (animating dead human(oid)s or other sentient beings.)


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