The party's journey up through the hanging jungle is largely uneventful. Hector is delighted to run free in the jungle. He is able to bound across the thinnest branches and trembling leaves as though they were solid ground (think Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). When he disappears, you worry, but he seems to always return, sometimes with blood on his teeth, although never on his pristine white fur. You are glad to have him at camp with you at night, where he sleeps with one ear constantly cocked. The skeletons of the invisible slaves, on the other hand, give you eerie chills. They seem to intend you harm, and at certain points come near to shoving a party member from a branch, always by a willful carelessness. They yearn to walk free into the jungle, and you quickly learn that they must be shackled at night while the party sleeps.

You return to the hanging merchants and take up residence once again on a platform under the newly purchased jurisdiction of Bulras who deals in the fantastic animals of the jungle below. He has not been able to procure a new animal for you yet, given your short absence. He now employs three full time helper/soldiers, who provide you with some security, and has decorated your platform with comforts and amenities. He reports that the alliance against him between Nekalimon and Malichar, the two overmerchants has crumbled with Nekalimon's rising fortunes.

Malichar seems somewhat doleful, although he is considerably brightened by some of the goods you come peddling to him. (He no longer has contractual first crack at them, but you must sell the more expensive items to one of the two overmerchants.) After subjecting you to a big guilt trip for leaving him, he informs you that out of the goodness of his heart, he has kept an open channel of communication with the witch Zalvorex. He/she has sent you through mysterious means a small brown bird, like a fat sparrow. It stares at you through little eyes, cocking its head now this way, now that way. When pressed Malichar says that no further instructions were forthcoming, and agrees that the gift is mysterious.

Nekalimon's pagodas are brightly lit and full of merriment. The rival adventuring party is there, and seems to be celebrating their most recent excursion. Although still his sour, spindly self, Nekalimon seems more self-assured and almost cheerful. On their pagoda you can observe them. Sir Carnes towers over the others, laughing with a deep bass laugh, commanding with his handsome presence. His massive sword, Inferno rests ready to hand. Little Mara does cartwheel with mischief twinkling in her eye. Edwin, a thin and pasty man, wearing a black skull cap sits by himself in the shadows, a moldering black raven with red eyes on his shoulder. A bald man, named Voldir, with a face tattoo and a rough look about him stands next to Desh, a wiry man with a long beard.

Let me know any business you might want to conduct here.

Aleksandr Revzin Eric Boyd Chris P. Anthony Huso Joshua Blackketter Cédric Plante


  1. I'm either going to deanimate the skeletons or chain them up as my availability will be shoddy and I don't want to cause any confusion/burden upon the party/group. Ben L.

  2. Shackling them is a good option

  3. Ben L. 9! 1 under my CHA of 10. I'll talk things out with one of Nekalimon's guards.

    To serve a long-term goal, I also want to give a little "bonus" to ALL the guards; just to reward them for their hard work and to have them keep an eye out for my group's interests. See if anyone comes snooping around our pagoda, any intel of comings and goings, maybe if they're tired of guard work, they can come with us, hey if they have to buy one of their relatives out of debt slavery, I might be able to help out, maybe they'll owe me a favor, etc. Just setting myself up as a little spider in the background.


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